Well... I could do some storyline. I have an example of my writing. It's not my best, but it got an A in my Myths and Legends class. I'd show you another piece that I did for my Short Stories final, but I don't have a copy with me.
I hope you want more than one person to work on the storyline, because I get writer's block easily.
Anyway, I'll attach the file for your reading pleasure (1 page, double spaced). I will also paste something I just typed for no reason a few months ago. For some reason, it's still saved on my computer.
->The night was chill. It was the kind of dark, foreboding night that a man tried to stay out of. Nothing made any noise but the soft murmuring of the wind as it slid past tree and house alike. In the gloom of the dark night was a glow of warmth coming from the windows of a tavern, which seemed unremarkable, but held something very much so.
->Chatter and laughter, music and dance, and all the other goings on usually associated with a tavern were all happening. The whores were having a fine time of things, as very few men wanted to be alone that night. Everything was merry as could be, except for that lingering dread of when they must make the walk home.
->This night was Taband Eve. An evil night before a very light and good day.
Edit: I found some more things I did a while ago. I looked them over and I can't even remember what I was trying to make with all of the pre-planning... I think I might of been planning to write a small novel... or something. You will find it under Examples.rar. It has a picture accompanying it that I made using the map editor of Age of Empires III, later editing it in Photoshop.
Double Edit: I also have a tutorial (tips, really) that I wrote about a year and a half ago on here. It was to help people create more original names and less bland ones. It can be found here: