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Mapping tut, making a SWAMP

Started by :), November 26, 2006, 04:58:03 PM

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Well, I have noticed on many forum's everyone is requesting a swamp making I will take the job.

First thing to remember, always have your own mapping style, something that separates your maps for everyone else's. Second thing is to not forget nature is RANDOM! please don't make your swamps look the same on the left side and right, here is an example of BAD:

To some that is actually a GOOD its not even close.

OK we will begin now, first thing is first open a new map, and select MARSH tileset. Then leave the map size default.

First thing first, lay down the swamp. I like to work with the swamp as the painted bottom instead of grass. So on layer one paint the swamp!

step two, still on layer one outline three bodies of land, and a small island:

Step three, switch layers to layer 2, and now make the outsides of the land area look not so boxy:

Step four: Already you can see you have a decent map. Now on layer 2 first make a path outline, then switch too layer three and make bridges, trees, and whatever you need to make the map feel full. Try and use a variety of the tiles, just don't over do it!

Step 5: Add a little fog maybe, and here is a screenshot of the swamp you just made in game play!:

Well hope you enjoyed this tut! Hopefully more to come from me, also if you haven't already check out my river tut, and house exterior tut. Enjoy everyone! Please leave some feedback.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


September 13, 2007, 06:56:52 PM <-  Last Login
I returned and better than ever!
Don't mess with me.


Thanks gammer! If Alot of people like them I will continue to make more.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


I'm using XP.

Can you make a empty store tut? In my game when you get to the first town the boats that supple the shop are stopped... so how do I make a shop look empty but not plain?

OH... and how do you use the ship tileset? I can't figure that damn thing out.


Find/Make a tileset.

Or you could use my idea of an armor rack a make it all empty.
Long lines may help too =/ Like people will take up half the shop for three items behind the counters =/


yea dark lord is right, make a normal shop, dont put ANY items, the waiting line is a perfect idea. Make a few chest's open and empty, and cloths racks empty, and some tables with nothing on them:


Back to my swamp =]
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun




no guy at counter? a fireplace in a shop? and where the windows, other then that nice layout, and add the waiting line dark suggusted its a great idea. also make sure, that the design you made inside looks like the house I love SMALL OUTSIDES and a HUGE interior thouse make me laugh...probally my next tut is gona be from outside to inside using my house exterior tut.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Likes this?  ;D

The guy that would be at the counter is in the other room getting drunk...
That one you show would have been perfect but there is a scene where he come around the  corner and tells you that the shipment was stopped.   


Here's something I threw together.

EDIT: Looks like the project I mapped in had a script in it :P
You should get the idea though.


looks nice. OK BOE you got it right? (don't want to get off topic too much, sorry if  i'm sounding bossy) But

now really back my tut =]
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


WOOOOOOOOW sweet tut! I just made my own swamp after following this one step by step and it looks great! O may I request a tut?


thanks snick....yea go ahead I mite take a shot at your request
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


can you make an interior step by step on a shop?


no need:,9117.0.html

Dark owns at mapping interior as well as exterior. I mainly stick with outside tut's as you can see....will be making a inside one soon I hope
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


this is good, thanks for sharing, I'll have a go myself next time I work on my game  ;D


Morris Lawry

Thanks heaps i needed a tut on this for my mate
Good Bye. RMRK you were cool while I wasn't there.


thanks for the feedback  ;D it helps me to know I didn't just waste my time on this one.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


please can you make a ship tut?  :-*


will try, actaully even I never made a ship!!! well I only had the software for 6 weeks now...but sure ill swing at making one, then make a tut
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


This  :-* was an offer if you can make that tut  ;)


hmm...I just started working with the is what I can do so far:

yes hard to see I had to get whole ship in

do you want a huge boat tut, or just upper deck average style...and to anyone who knows did I use the tiles right?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


I could never figure out how to use the ship tilsets...


you didn't awnser the question BOE
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Don't, use Ccoa's sideview ship tileset :P