Mr.Fu, Philosopy 101
@ Crankye university...
Okay class. This is how Mr.Fu sees it. My whole goal in life is to die gloriously in a mosh pit. Because you see, we don't know when we'll die, but we can have an idea of what we want. And besides all lifeis about is dying gloriously. Or if you will, gaining as much honor as you can, but to most people that just means being able to look at yourself in the mirro in the morning with out hating yourself.
Also, life can be worth living, yet it is up to the indvidual what to live for. Well Mr.Fu for example has some goals in life you see. I'll list them here.
1. Die in a mosh pit.
2. get into a lot more sword fights.
3. Meet a womanses who is worth my time.
4. Putting my career in radio in order, then become relatively well known.
Now not every one is going to share th same goals. But my point is, as long as you strive to meet your goals, then yes your life is worth living.