I'm not reading 9 pages of the same stuff I probably agree with. I got enough from the first couple. And I agree with one point in particular:
America is an empire.
Unless we COMPLETELY pull out of Iraq, (COMPLETELY, none of this "we will just leave a few hunderd troops there for 'security' reasons"), THEN I will retract that statment.
If we go after N.Korea, then boom, (no pun intended), we have new Middle Eastern soil and far Eastern Asian soil.
From there, its simply about manipulating the land and resources to begin taking over the surrounding nations in the name of "Peace".
Then, after America owns almost all of Eurpoe and Asia, Canada is going to come down and beat our asses with bacon.
Armaggedon, The Apocolypse, Ragnarok, Judgment Day, WWIII,
Call it what you will. It's coming.