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2D isometric

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Level 91
Let me show U an exemple of 2D isometric map

I see you coming, "In what??? It is what this charabiat??? ". You do not throw into a panic I all will explain you... First of all, it is what the isometric 2d would say... In fact it is very simple. It is a way of representing the real one. Contrary has the traditional prospect,
(known as riding), the trihedron, system of 3 axes, (let us take X, y and Z) see its axes spaced of 120
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Level 91
I think it's a little difficult for U... no one want to try?
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
yep (have you done it?)

Dark_Prince - Pegasus Saga
Level 92
real nice SiR_VaIlHoR. Did you use any program to make them or it.

Level 91
Use photoshop for master and paint for beginner
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Level 91
I know it's a little difficult to understand but it's really impressive!
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Level 91
it's not hard to understand, but it's hard to draw like that and having the a 2d charset walking around a 3d-like place is well.. weird..

then again you can always make the charsets 3d to fit in the map but that will be even harder to make ;)
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 91
tries to make a constructive criticism, can you cease coming all the time to contradict me on all and to leave me alone little boy, you're really boring me i'm not back to hear you're sarcasm. I hope you stop this NOW.
you're always the best in all when we listen to you... Baka! :^^:
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Level 91
yeah yeah ... switching to japanese won't help you mefageret.
it's not sarcasm, i am telling what i think, 3d and 2nd don't mix without at least minor changes, such as you didn't include as a how to do for the charsets.

what's so hard to understand in "making those tilesets is a hard work and thus people won't do it?"

meh.. -.-
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 91
and what?
You've never use 2D isometric so what think of a Snake i don't care  :roll:
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Level 91
it's not hard to picture a 2d charset in a 3rd place...
if you don't have imagination, look at the other "tut" you made about panoramas, it's sort of funny actually.

and i am more than just sure setting it so that you'll be able to walk right in such a map gonna be a 100% pain in the ass.
and 2d and 3d don't mix very well but you don't care.. do you?

oh and i like troll more than snake, the troll thing was funny ^^
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 91
bla bla bla...
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Well, since you're expert and l33t RPG makers it shouldn't be too difficult for any of you to do this :) And to walk right is no problem. Just make sure that the UP key makes the character walk up/right or up/left. There's plenty of games that implement this nicely even though the only I can come up with right now in the middle of the night is tactics games like FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre and Fallout for that matter, even though that uses some kind of heaxagonical system (Did just make up a term? :P) and mouse point and click to move. The only difficulty I see (if you're a person who know how to write scripts and such) is to actually make all of the tile sets. Personally, with my level of experience of this, I wouldn't get into that in standard 2d and definitely not in isometric.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
lets try not to turn this topic into an argument

to make a character simply use the gridlines as a guide

Isometric drawing look great. in technology at my school i have to draw this sort of thing by hand. which takes forever.

the tower is good it means someone can be up there without you being up there if you know what i mean

Level 91
Thanks For Coming
Quote from: taleg
Well, since you're expert and l33t RPG makers it shouldn't be too difficult for any of you to do this.

Nobody on here truly deseverves that status.
Its a name, nothing more.

A high post count doesnt mean they are truly great.

Resident Cloud
Level 91
if i spamed tons on a board then id have a high post count but i wouldnt have deserved it anyway lets not go off-topic

Level 91
Some result with bryce 5 program



and here the ressource


The ressource

So Feel the 2D isometric system combined with 3D titleset PoWeR  :wink:
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

pokeball zxmOfflineMale
Astronaut Raticate Banana
Level 92
Pineapple Line Colour
:shock: Coolness!  :^^: I would love to use these!

Level 91
Go Go ahead :)
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
That is truly great Sir_Vailhor, it

Level 89
Very nice indeed!!
Started RPG making once again!

Level 91
No pb u can use what u want of my ressources  :^^:
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.


My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!

Level 90
ya, considering, if you were to take out every spam post that someone has made, there arent anywhere near as many as what they have now... :?

Level 91
so you guys truely are dumb aren't you?
3d and the isometric bullshit are not the same, sure 3d trees won't make any problem xcluding looking odd compared to the background, though the isomatric which no one even talks about would by fact make alot of trouble mainly if used for fances and houses
outstandingly none of you spotted the stupidity- we all knew we can put 3d images, if this topic belongs anywhere it's resources and not tuts, seeing as this is not even a tut.
it's a sad try to show a way to draw 3d while in fact none of the trees were done that way and thus DO NOT BELONG IN THE SUBJECT IN ANY FORM

having said that i will be expecting vail's normal "dumb comment of the day" btw vail we all know you are a guy ;)

and will also expect dumb comments which proves none of you had anything to do with reading.. as usual -.-

the isometric like i said before, gonna cause alot of passability problems and will look very odd with a normal charset, funny how vail didn't show anything isometric in this topic yet, xcluding the little dream outside of the actual program he showed us in his first post
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
hmmm a good example of 3d and 2d colliding would be phantom brave...which i like the way it looks but alas everyone has there own opinion