Changelog * v1.01a(GMT 1400 12-8-2017):
* 1. Lets you set the status bars to show the stat change processes via
* showProc, procUpdateRate, procColor1 and procColor2 in SBX
* 2. Fixed crashes for status bars having the same minimum and maximum
* v1.00a(GMT 1700 16-9-2016):
* 1. 1st version of this plugin finished
PurposeLets you use bars to show battler statuses on their sprites
Games using this pluginNone so far
Parameters * @param isEnabled
* @desc Sets whether this plugin will be enabled
* It'll be stored as a boolean, and will be regarded as true if and only
* if it's true
* Don't change this during the same battle unless you really know what
* you're truly foing
* E.g.: Setting isEnabled as false will disable this plugin
* @default true
Notetags * # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State Notetags:
* State notetags take the highest priority, followed by enemy, weapon,
* armor, class and actor
* 1. <status status bar: SBX>
* - Sets the battler to setup a status bar of status using
* configurations set in function name SBX, which can only be edited
* in this plugin js file directly
* - status must be included in STATUSES, which can only be edited in
* this plugin js file directly
* - E.g.:
* <hp status bar: HP> will set the battler to setup a hp status bar
* using configurations set in HP, which can only be edited in this
* plugin js file directly
* - Only the 1st effective notetag among all having the same status
* will be used(Reference tag: NOTETAG_MONO)
Plugin Calls * # Configuration manipulations
* 1. $gameSystem.statusBars.param
* - Returns the stored value of param listed in the plugin manager
* - E.g.:
* $gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled will return a Boolean indicating
* whether this plugin's enabled
* 2. $gameSystem.statusBars.param = val
* - Sets the stored value of param listed in plugin manager as val
* - E.g.:
* $gameSystem.statusBars.isEnabled = false will set the stored
* value of parameter isEnabled shown on the plugin manager as false
* - All $gameSystem.statusBars.param changes will be saved
* # Actor/Class/Weapon/Armor/Enemy/State notetag manipulations
* 1. meta.statusBars[status]
* - Returns the function name SBX for String status specified in
* <status status bar: SBX> if there's any
* - E.g.:
* $dataStates[1].meta.statusBars[hp] will return the function SBX
* specified in <hp status bar: SBX> notetag of state with id 1
* 2. meta.statusBars[status] = SBX
* - Sets the String status in <status status bar: SBX> notetag to use
* the function with name SBX which is a String
* - E.g.:
* $dataEnemies[2].meta.statusBars['mp'] = 'MP' will set the SBX
* specified in <mp status bar: SBX> notetag of enemy with id 2 as
* MP
* - All meta.statusBars changes can be saved if
* DoubleX RMMV Dynamic Data is used
* # Battler manipulations
* 1. isStatusBarChanged[status] = true
* - Notifys the status status bar of the battler to use a new
* configuration object
* - It'll be reset as false once a new configuration object's used
* - E.g.:
* $gameParty.aliveMembers()[0].isStatusBarChanged['tp'] = true will
* notify the tp status bar of the battler to use a new
* configuration object
* # Status bar manipulations
* 1. new Window_Status_Bar(battler, status)
* - Creates a new status bar showing the status status of battler
* battler
* - E.g.:
* new Window_Status_Bar($gameTroop.aliveMembers()[0], 'hp') will
* create a new status bar showing the hp status of the 1st troop
* member
DoubleX RMMV Status Bars(v1.01a+)
DoubleX RMMV Status Bars v101a+PrerequisitesAbilities:
1. Nothing special for most rudimetary use cases
2. Little RMMV plugin development proficiency for most ordinary uses
3. Some RMMV plugin development proficiency to fully utilize this
Instructions * You're supposed to open this plugin js file to edit its configurations
* The default plugin file name is DoubleX RMMV Status Bars v101a
* If you want to change that, you must edit the value of
* DoubleX_RMMV.Status_Bars_File, which must be done via opening this plugin
* js file directly
Terms Of Use * 1. Commercial use's always allowed and crediting me's always optional.
* 2. You shall keep this plugin's Plugin Info part's contents intact.
* 3. You shalln't claim that this plugin's written by anyone other than
* DoubleX or my aliases. I always reserve the right to deny you from
* using any of my plugins anymore if you've violated this.
* 4. CC BY 4.0, except those conflicting with any of the above, applies
* to this plugin, unless you've my permissions not needing follow so.
* 5. I always reserve the right to deny you from using this plugin
* anymore if you've violated any of the above.
DownloadDoubleX RMMV Status Bars