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Event Spawn [XP]

Started by Wrinkle, October 28, 2014, 05:07:25 PM

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Event Spawn for XP
By: Wrinkle

A lot of people told me this script could not be made compatible with RPGXP. So... here it is. This script was originally made for VX Ace, I tried to convert it for my own purposes, ran into a few errors on the way, got help, fixed it, and now it works on XP. This script allows you to change event locations via events, and also to call events from other maps to the player's current map.


  • Call Events already on the local map
  • Spawn Events from different maps to the local map
  • Multiples of the same event can be spawned

This script was made in January 2014
Events can be spawned using either of these formulas;
spawn_event_location(x, y, event_id)
spawn_event_location(x, y, event_id, map_id)
If no map ID is included it will call the event from the map in which the player is located. If map ID is included it will spawn the event from that map, and the event will appear on the current map. You can spawn multiples of the same event on the map at once. This script could come in handy for action based or adventure games. You can spawn monsters, items, or even attacks such as arrows and other projectiles. The spawn to region function was removed from the script to accommodate RPG Maker XP.

Yanfly for making the original VX Ace script
Wrinkle for converting the script to XP
Modern Algebra for fixing the graphic refresh bug

To install this script, copy and paste it above Main.
# ▼ Yanfly Engine Ace - Spawn Event v1.00
# -- Last Updated: 2012.02.08
# -- Level: Normal, Hard
# -- Requires: n/a
# ▼ Updates
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# 2012.02.08 - Started Script and Finished.
# Edited for RPG Maker XP by Wrinkle
# Credit to Modern Algebra for fixing the graphic refresh bug
# ▼ Introduction
# =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# For those who would like to spawn pre-made events from the current map or
# even other maps, this script allows you to do so. With the option of spawning
# the events at specific locations or a random spot marked by a certain region,
# you can have events spawn using simple script calls. The events remain until
# a map change.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script Calls - These commands are used with script calls.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# spawn_event_location(x, y, event_id)
# spawn_event_location(x, y, event_id, map_id)
# This causes a new event to be created at location x,y on the current map with
# the data from the corresponding event and map ID.
# The map_id is where the event will be called from according to event_id.
# If no map_id is included it will call the event from your current map.

# ■ Game_Map

class Game_Map
  # new method: spawn_event
  def spawn_event(dx, dy, event_id, map_id)
    map_id = @map_id if map_id == 0
    map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
    event = generated_event(map, event_id)
    return if event.nil?
    key_id = @events.keys.max + 1
    @events[key_id] =, event)
    @events[key_id].moveto(dx, dy)
  # new method: generated_event
  def generated_event(map, event_id)
    for key in
      event = key[1]
      next if event.nil?
      return event if == event_id
    return nil
end # Game_Map

# ■ Game_Interpreter

class Interpreter
  # new method: spawn_event_location
  def spawn_event_location(dx, dy, event_id, map_id = 0)
    $game_map.spawn_event(dx, dy, event_id, map_id)

end # Game_Interpreter

# ■ Scene_Map

class Scene_Map
  # public instance variables
  attr_accessor :spriteset

end # Scene_Map

class Spriteset_Map
  # * Refresh Event
  def wrinkle_refresh_event(event)
    # Refresh new region event
    index = @character_sprites.size - 1
    @character_sprites.insert(index,, event))

# ▼ End of File

No screenshots or demo available

I hope someone finds use for this script, if anyone still uses RPG Maker XP that is. I know it has proved useful for me. Thanks again to Modern Algebra for being an active part of this forum, and for being smart with scripting. If anyone wants to use this script, I don't care if you credit me or not, because Yanfly and Modern Algebra are the real miracle workers here. Good day everyone.
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking until you do succeed