Hey all, hoping someone here can help me out with a problem here. I need to remove the 'New Game' option from the title screen.
I'm using V's Awesome Options script, and I've tried editing it in a few different spots to achieve my desired effect.
If I try commenting out
# * Create Command List
def make_command_list
This line---> add_command(Vocab::new_game, :new_game)
add_command(Vocab::continue, :continue, continue_enabled)
add_command(Vocab::shutdown, :shutdown)
under HorzCmmdWin Or
# * Create Command List
def create_command_window
@command_window = Window_TitleCommand.new
@command_window.x = V_OPTS::Specs::Command_Window_x_position
@command_window.y = V_OPTS::Specs::Command_Window_y_position
Font.default_size = 20
This line---> @command_window.set_handler(:new_game, method(:command_new_game))
@command_window.set_handler(:continue, method(:command_continue))
@command_window.set_handler(:shutdown, method(:command_shutdown))
Under Scene_Title in the script, I get an error: Script 'Window_Command' line 74: NoMethodError occurred. undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass
# * Get Activation State of Command
def command_enabled?(index)
This is line 74--->@list[index][:enabled]
Now, if I just comment out
# * Create Horizontal Command List
def create_horizontal_command_window
@hrzcommand_window = HorzCmmdWin.new
@hrzcommand_window.x = V_OPTS::Specs::Command_Window_x_position
@hrzcommand_window.y = V_OPTS::Specs::Command_Window_y_position
Font.default_size = 20
This line--->@hrzcommand_window.set_handler(:new_game, method(:command_new_game))
@hrzcommand_window.set_handler(:continue, method(:command_continue))
@hrzcommand_window.set_handler(:shutdown, method(:command_shutdown))
also under the Scene_Title section, it makes the New Game option inoperable. It shows up, I can click on it, but it does nothing and goes nowhere. This is doable, but far from ideal. Editing the Scene_Title and Window_TitleCommand scripts does nothing as I assume V's script overrides those, does that sound right?
Anyhoo, is there something simple I'm missing here or should I take what I have and be happy with it?