*Each enemy has an elemental weakness.
Find it, and use the appropriated "force" magic (Fire force, Wind force, etc.) to make double damage to the enemies, and halve the damage of their attacks.
For example. The slimes element is water, and they are weak to earth, so use "Earth force" against them.
*The "Special" skills require "EP" or energy points.
To gain EP you can do a couple of things:
-Use the "Guard" command to gain 30 EP (also, as usual, the Guard command reduces the damage you receive).
-Use the ability "Focus Energy" to gain 60 EP.
Please notice that EP unless MP, are not accumulative and you have to charge them every battle.
*As in other rpg games, Magic abilities require MP. But please notice that in this game, MP are not restored with potions or sleep.
If you need MP you have to use the ability "Mana Drain", to absorb MP from enemies.
*The "Battle Advantage command" is the bar that appears before a regular battle.
If you don't press the acton button while the cursor is on the middle section and let the cursor go to the red edge, you won't be able to use the "Auto" and "Escape" commands.
*As a rule of thumb, the enemies have their own regions, so you will not find a stronger one, unless you enter its region.
If you find an enemy that is too strong for you, avoid that area, and battle weaker enemies until you gain enough levels.
*Use battle items. Except for some specific cases, the enemies are weak to all status effects.
*If you find the encounter rate too annoying use the item "Holy crystal" to repel enemies.
*As a rule of thumb, the next point to go is near, unless otherwise indicated. Search a little. You won't get lost.
*Check every object. You never know when are you going to find something useful.
*Always check behind the curtains.
*The game has two sub-quests. It's not difficult to find them, I suggest you to look a little.
But if you are impatient and want to know, I will give you a little spoiler about them.
If there are more doubts I will update this list.