I have a rather strange problem I'm hoping someone can help with.
I have a map with an event on it.
The first page of the event is just blank with no image as, until a condition is met, I don't want the NPC to appear
The next page has the condition variable ABC is 7 or higher. When this condition is met an NPC appears you can talk to.
Once you talk to the NPC the event moves to the left and self switch A is triggered
What I want is for the NPC to "disappear" like they've walked into a building.
I thought I could do this by having another page with the conditions self switch A is on AND condition ABC is 7 (with no image and positioned under the charactrers) however, when I do this, all that happens is
1. After speaking to the character they move to the side but don't disappear
2. When you leave and come back to the map everything's back where it started
Any advice? There are six similar events on the page so I can't simply advance condition ABC by 1 and add a new "8" condition