I have very simple question for you. How do I completely translate game interface in my language? I translated all stuff in Vocab script, but stuff like "New Game", "Exit Game", "Fight" and similar can't be translated. I didn't had that problem in RPG Maker VX.
Right now i am using RPG Maker VX Ace.
This is a sample of my Vocab script.
# ** Vocab
# This module defines terms and messages. It defines some data as constant
# variables. Terms in the database are obtained from $data_system.
module Vocab
# Shop Screen
ShopBuy = "Kupi"
ShopSell = "Prodaj"
ShopCancel = "Otkaži"
Possession = "Imaš:"
# Status Screen
ExpTotal = "Trenutno iskustva"
ExpNext = "Za slede?i level treba %s"
# Save/Load Screen
SaveMessage = "Snimi u fajl?"
LoadMessage = "U?itaj iz fajla?"
File = "Fajl"
# Display when there are multiple members
PartyName = "%s'-ina družina"
# Basic Battle Messages
Emerge = "%s se pojavio!"
Preemptive = "%s te napao!"
Surprise = "%s te iznenadio!"
EscapeStart = "%s je poukušao da pobegne."
EscapeFailure = "Ali nije uspeo!"
# Battle Ending Messages
Victory = "%s je pobednik!"
Defeat = "%s je gubitnik."
ObtainExp = "%s EXP je dobio!"
ObtainGold = "%s\\G na?eno!"
ObtainItem = "%s na?en!"
LevelUp = "%s je sada %s %s!"
ObtainSkill = "%s je nau?en!"
# Use Item
UseItem = "%s je iskorisio %s!"
# Critical Hit
CriticalToEnemy = "Odli?an udarac!!"
CriticalToActor = "Auuuu to je bolelo!!"
# Results for Actions on Actors
ActorDamage = "%s je primio %s demedža!"
ActorRecovery = "%s se ishilo %s %s!"
ActorGain = "%s je nabacio %s %s!"
ActorLoss = "%s je izgubio %s %s!"
ActorDrain = "%s je iscedio %s %s!"
ActorNoDamage = "%s je promašio."
ActorNoHit = "Promašaj! %s nije primio nikakav demedž!"
# Results for Actions on Enemies
EnemyDamage = "%s je primio %s demedža!"
EnemyRecovery = "%s se ishilo %s %s!"
EnemyGain = "%s je nabacio %s %s!"
EnemyLoss = "%s lje izgubio %s %s!"
EnemyDrain = "Isce?eno %s %s iz %s!"
EnemyNoDamage = "%s nije primio nikakav demedž!"
EnemyNoHit = "Promašaj! %s nije primio nikakav damage!"
# Evasion/Reflection
Evasion = "%s je izbegao napad!"
MagicEvasion = "%s je izbegao magiju!"
MagicReflection = "%s je reflektovao magiju!"
CounterAttack = "%s je izvršio protivnapad!"
Substitute = "%s je zaštitio %s!"
# Buff/Debuff
BuffAdd = "%s's %s went up!"
DebuffAdd = "%s's %s went down!"
BuffRemove = "%s's %s returned to normal."
# Skill or Item Had No Effect
ActionFailure = "Nema efekta na %s!"
# Error Message
PlayerPosError = "Po?etna pozicija igra?a nije postavljena."
EventOverflow = "Common event calls exceeded the limit."
# Basic Status
def self.basic(basic_id)
# Parameters
def self.param(param_id)
# Equip Type
def self.etype(etype_id)
# Commands
def self.command(command_id)
# Currency Unit
def self.currency_unit
def self.level; basic(0); end # Level
def self.level_a; basic(1); end # Level (short)
def self.hp; basic(2); end # HP
def self.hp_a; basic(3); end # HP (short)
def self.mp; basic(4); end # MP
def self.mp_a; basic(5); end # MP (short)
def self.tp; basic(6); end # TP
def self.tp_a; basic(7); end # TP (short)
def self.fight; command(0); end # Fight
def self.escape; command(1); end # Escape
def self.attack; command(2); end # Attack
def self.guard; command(3); end # Guard
def self.item; command(4); end # Items
def self.skill; command(5); end # Skills
def self.equip; command(6); end # Equip
def self.status; command(7); end # Status
def self.formation; command(8); end # Change Formation
def self.save; command(9); end # Snimi
def self.game_end; command(10); end # Exit Game
def self.weapon; command(12); end # Weapons
def self.armor; command(13); end # Armor
def self.key_item; command(14); end # Key Items
def self.equip2; command(15); end # Change Equipment
def self.optimize; command(16); end # Ultimate Equipment
def self.clear; command(17); end # Remove All
def self.new_game; command(18); end # New Game
def self.continue; command(19); end # Continue
def self.shutdown; command(20); end # Shut Down
def self.to_title; command(21); end # Go to Title
def self.cancel; command(22); end # Cancel