Not sure if this is where to put this, or if anyone cares anymore seeing as this script is older than the hills now, what with Yanfly Ace out and me still playing around in VX instead of getting ACE.
But, anyways, I solved the problem that was causing the ATB to stop completely whenever an actor or enemy attempts to use a skill they no longer meet the requirements to use. I've seen a lot of complaints and requests to fix it, but no solutions. So I fixed it myself.
If anyone is interested, just replace "process_atb_action" around line 9176 with this:
# new method: process_atb_action
def process_atb_action
if $game_troop.forcing_battler != nil
@active_battler = $game_troop.forcing_battler
@active_battler = $game_troop.atb_ready[0]
return if @active_battler == nil
if !@active_battler.action.valid?
return if !@active_battler.action.valid?
@message_window.visible = true
execute_action unless @active_battler.action.wait?
@message_window.visible = false
unless $game_troop.forcing_battler
$game_troop.forcing_battler = nil
@active_battler = nil
if YEM::BATTLE_ENGINE::ATB_COMMON_EVENTS[:end_action] != nil
event_id = YEM::BATTLE_ENGINE::ATB_COMMON_EVENTS[:end_action]
$game_temp.common_event_id = event_id
The problem was one that is easy to overlook, especially since the game returns no error message. It took me hours to sleuth the source of the problem, but not very long to fix it. The problem was that there were no further instructions on what to do if a skill no longer meets the requirements (cost) to use it. I've fixed it by telling it to return to the start of the ATB. If anyone wants a different outcome, I can attempt to make that happen. I'm looking into that myself, as I'm not sure if that's what I want it to do in my game