As a quick hint kind of thing:
With regards to Game_Interpreter:
when 335 # Enemy Appear
return command_335
when 336 # Enemy Transform
return command_336
If you look at those two commands, you can see what happens when the command is called when you trigger it with events.
# * Enemy Appear
def command_335
enemy = $game_troop.members[@params[0]]
if enemy != nil and enemy.hidden
enemy.hidden = false
return true
# * Enemy Transform
def command_336
enemy = $game_troop.members[@params[0]]
if enemy != nil
return true
There's a few ways you can approach this to solve the problem. The limitation of the event command is that you are restricted to a drop down list that only goes up to 8, but you need a larger number. One way, then, would be to make a method that accesses the appropriate $game_troops.members value (assuming that whatever is letting you have more than 8 enemies still makes use of this property).
I'll let you continue to find a solution of your own. If you still can't find one, I'll help you out some more.