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Violent Whispers [Beta Version 0.4] [VXA]

Started by Dark_Metamorphosis, December 19, 2012, 04:41:08 AM

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Quote from: Rekios on September 20, 2013, 12:27:36 AM
Exactly!, But I was more or less looking at the small island in the center of the screen. I think that it would be more clear that it was protruding from the water like so:

( sorry for poor and speedy shop skills)
opposed to this:

Then again, it's just a thought and other than that your game looks outstanding!, Can't wait for a demo! :lol:

Yeah, it makes sense and I will make sure to fix that! I'll try and keep the rule of thumb that you mentioned so that every block will stay consistent towards it. Thanks a lot for the heads up! :)

I'm glad you think it looks outstanding!, and there's already a demo up that you can download (currently version 0.4) even though It's not completely polished yet. I'm planning to release a full demo version as soon as possible where you will be able to use your demo save file for the content of the full chapter 1. But if you feel like downloading it just to check it out, feel free to do so :)
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I have finished playing it and overall it looks great! :D
There is a few things that I have noticed though.

1.The description of the "Find a Way" quest is misspelled,
I believe it should be 'must' not 'most'.

2.The birds that fly overhead of the player in Pluvia should have their frequency
set to 4 or 5.This makes it so the birds don't just stop in mid-air during flight.

3.The candles don't flicker. It would make it seem a lot more realistic if the candle
flames had motion. I would think you could just create an event and use a candle
graphic with 'Stepping Anim.' turned on.

4.The Battleback in the Uncharted Lands doesn't match the map. It has a white floor.
I would think a good battleback would be to use 'Dirt Cave' as the floor, and 'Rock Cave'
as the walls.

I think this keeps the look of the map.

Otherwise the game is great! :lol: It just seems to have a few mapping errors here
and there. But then again, it is only a Beta 0.4 so it's fine :D Keep up the good work!
If you need any help with anything let me know, I'll be glad to help!


I have made a few changes to Zetya.  I think he looks better darker,  and without the necklace.  Feel free to use these if you wish :lol:

[spoiler=Zetya Remastered]





interesting tips and tricks here. Am curious how this will be implemented further into the game...

Nice things Rekios!
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Quote from: Rekios on September 22, 2013, 12:20:16 AM
I have finished playing it and overall it looks great! :D
There is a few things that I have noticed though.

1. Thanks for spoting that, it has now been changed :D

2. I have overall problems with the motions of the animals.. They tend to stop moving for a while, and then continue with their pattern. I'm not really sure how to fix that, but I do know that there is a way to keep them moving all the time and in a very realistic and smooth manner. The settings I use for them now is stepping animation with normal speed and movement, along with random as move route.

3. That's true. I'll see if I can put the events as candles instead and still have the light effect added in the same event, and see how it turns out. Thanks! :)

4. I'll make sure to change the battleback, the walls for UC grounds have been changed as well so I'll need to fix the battleback anyway.

Yeah, there are still some errors here and there along with some placeholders that will be changed later on. Since I'm working on the content for Chapter 1 as well, there will be a little time before I will have the demo completely polished. I'm glad you think it was great though! :)

Thanks for the offer! I'll make sure to keep that in mind! I'm thinking about making a request later on since I need some help with the database.

Quote from: Rekios on September 23, 2013, 01:42:45 AM
I have made a few changes to Zetya.  I think he looks better darker,  and without the necklace.  Feel free to use these if you wish :lol:

That's awesome!, It fits much, much better, and I'll make sure to use this! Thanks!
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Quote from: Dark_Metamorphosis on September 23, 2013, 07:13:59 PM
2. I have overall problems with the motions of the animals.. They tend to stop moving for a while, and then continue with their pattern. I'm not really sure how to fix that, but I do know that there is a way to keep them moving all the time and in a very realistic and smooth manner. The settings I use for them now is stepping animation with normal speed and movement, along with random as move route.
Make sure you have the frequency set to either 'Higher' or 'Highest' ;)



Done with the third puzzle of my game, and I'm really happy with how it turned out. (This puzzle will be located in the Town of Duke's sewers, for those that have played the demo). Took me about 3 hours to complete, but after some frustration I finally finished it.

Some screenies of the progression:











Other Updates:

I have also polished the demo up a bit, and changed some confusing scenarios. I have presented Vincent's condition in a more direct way now, since I wasn't really bringing it to the surface (in a good manner) during the length of the demo.

I have switched up some of the starting skills, and changed them accordingly (Mostly in a manner that will make Vincent more useful when being teamed up with more party members, since he was lacking a bit in the previous set up)

I have also included that the characters will gain 1-2 skills automaticly every 5 levels now as a contribution next to the Academic oracle system. So instead of starting the game with 1 skill (Fury of Thunder), and getting Vendetta and Battle cry at level 2 and 5 I have implemented so you start with 3 skills instead, and get another one at level 5. After that you can use the oracle system as usual in order to get new skills, and then an individual skill at every 5th level.

More than that I'm working on a boss list, where I'm trying to work out a combat pattern based a bit around the history behind the boss, and also a bit on how the fight will progress according to that (like strategical points, Boss behaviour, skills and turn patterns etc.) Still a work in progress but I'll try and polish up my boss battles once I have most of that done.

Lastly I'm working on my Kryptonian weapons effects, and how they will change the characters or the skills. While I have everything set in stone I'm thinking about posting a recruit request for some of the programming that involves around this in the database. So if you have good experience in the database, and feel like helping me out with this feel free to send me a PM about it. It would relieve a lot of stress and frustration if I could get some assistance in one or two areas, since It's so much work to do everything yourself.

That's it for this update, but remember to stay tuned for the next one!

As always, stay tuned!
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Just wanted to share a small update.

I have started using an overlay script, so I can parallax my maps to make them look a bit better.
So far I have parallaxed 5-6 maps, and I'm now working on spicing up Town of Duke a bit.

Will share some pictures of my process:

I'm really enjoying working with these overlays, and I'm about to add some glow and lighting effects as well. Looking forward to spice up some of my maps, and I hope it will turn out nice!

I'm also trying to implement my own light effects (in caves, inside houses, and glows etc)
I decided to try this out since Khas script has giving me some struggles, as in frame drops, script errors, and weird tints.

Here's a screenshot of my progress (Any thoughts?)

As always, Stay tuned!

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