<Extended Extra Movement Frames>
SummaryI'm looking for a way to do an animation by selecting different framenumbers with modern algebra's script "Extra Movement Frames".
Features DesiredFor example the original animation goes like: 0,1,2,3,4,5 (framenumbers)
And I want to do an animation like this: 0,1,2,4,3,5
Or just a stopped frame: 4 (but the normal animation wouldn't start on frame 4)
I think that would be a great addition for the script and I asked modern algebra if it is already included in his script, but he said it wasn't.
This is basically a modification of the script to be able to select (I'm thinking by a "Call script" snippet) a particular frame of the sprite.
Did you search?Yes
Where did you search?- I did more than search, I asked modern algebra if the original script has the feature or not...
The original script#==============================================================================
# Extra Movement Frames
# Version: 1.0.1
# Author: modern algebra (rmrk.net)
# Date: 26 September 2012
# Description:
# This script allows you to import character sprites with more than 3 frames
# for movement animation. In other words, it allows you to animate sprites a
# little more smoothly. One use for it is it allows RMXP format characters to
# be imported directly into a VXA game without editing (although you will need
# to rename the file).
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main but
# below Materials. If you are using my Composite Graphics script, then this
# script must be placed in a slot below Composite Graphics.
# To create a sprite with extra movement frames, all you need to do is
# rename the character graphic to something of the form:
# Regular_Name%(x)
# where:
# x is the number of frames in each character sprite
# $001-Fighter01%(4)
# This graphic is a single character with four frames of animation. [XP]
# 022-Actors12%(6)
# This graphic would be interpreted as a character sheet of 8 characters,
# each having six frames of animation.
# Additionally, this script also allows you to specify the "idle" frame (the
# frame where the sprite is not moving), and also the pattern if wish to so
# specify. In essence, all you need to do is add those integers after the
# number of frames:
# Regular_Name%(x y1 y2 y3 ... yx)
# where:
# x is the number of frames in each character sprite
# y1 is the idle frame (the frame shown when sprite is not moving)
# y2 ... yx are the pattern.
# Keep in mind that the first frame in a sprite is index 0, the second frame
# is index 1, etc.
# Where y1 is excluded, it is assumed to be 0. Where y2 ... yx are excluded,
# the pattern is assumed to simply cycle through the frames one by one until
# it repeats.
# $003-Fighter03%(4 2)
# This graphic is a single character with four frames of animation. The
# idle frame is 2 (the third one over). The pattern when moving would be
# 2 3 0 1, 2 3 0 1, etc.
# 032-People05%(4 0 1 0 3 2 1)
# This graphic would be interpreted as a character sheet of 8 characters,
# each having four frames of animation. The idle frame is 0 (the first
# in the sheet), and the pattern is 0 1 0 3 2 1, 0 1 0 3 2 1, etc.
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported[:MA_ExtraMovementFrames] = true
# *** MA_ExtraMovementFrames
# This module holds a method for calculating width and height of an emf
# character frame
module MA_ExtraMovementFrames
# * Check if Character has extra movement frames
def ma_char_is_emf_sprite?(character_name)
character_name && !character_name[/\%[\(\[].+?[\)\]]/].nil?
# * Derive Frames Array
def maemf_get_frames(character_name)
character_name = "" unless character_name
frames = !character_name[/\%[\(\[](.+?)[\)\]]/] ? [] :
$1.scan(/\d+/).collect { |s| s.to_i }
frames[0] = 3 unless frames[0] # If empty, then set to default 3
frames.push(1, 2, 1, 0) if frames[0] == 3 && frames.size < 2
frames[1] = 0 unless frames[1] # Set idle frame
if frames.size < 3
# Create pattern
(frames[0] - 1).times {|i| frames.push((frames[1] + i + 1) % frames[0]) }
return frames
# * Calculate Frame Size
def maemf_calc_frame_size(character_name, bitmap, frames = [])
character_name = "" unless character_name
frames = maemf_get_frames(character_name) if frames.empty?
cw = bitmap.width / (frames[0] ? frames[0] : 3)
ch = bitmap.height / 4
sign = character_name[/^[\!\$]./]
if !sign || !sign.include?('$')
cw /= 4
ch /= 2
return cw, ch
# Compatibility with Composite Graphics
if $imported[:MA_CompositeGraphics]
# *** Cache
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - macgve_make_unique_name
class << Cache
# * Make Unique Name
alias macgemf_uniqname_3tc8 macgve_make_unique_name
def macgve_make_unique_name(cg_array = [], *args)
result = macgemf_uniqname_3tc8(cg_array, *args) # Call Original Method
# Add %(x) code to name if the first graphic in the array contains it.
result += $1 if cg_array[0] && cg_array[0].filename[/(\%[\(\[].+?[\)\]])/]
# ** Game_CharacterBase
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - straighten; update_anime_pattern; initialize;
# set_graphic; character_name=
# new methods - maemf_init_char_frames
class Game_CharacterBase
include MA_ExtraMovementFrames
# * Straighten
alias maemf_straghtn_5sb3 straighten
def straighten(*args, &block)
maemf_straghtn_5sb3(*args, &block) # Run original method
@pattern = @original_pattern if @walk_anime || @step_anime
# * Update Anime Pattern
alias maemf_updanim_ptrn_2yv5 update_anime_pattern
def update_anime_pattern(*args)
if @ma_char_is_emf_sprite # If an emf sprite
if !@step_anime && @stop_count > 0 # Reset to stationary
@maemf_frame_index = 0
@pattern = @original_pattern
# Next Pattern
@maemf_frame_index = (@maemf_frame_index + 1) % @maemf_character_pattern.size
@pattern = @maemf_character_pattern[@maemf_frame_index]
maemf_updanim_ptrn_2yv5(*args) # Call original method
# * Initialize Character Frames
def maemf_init_char_frames
@maemf_frame_index = 0 # Initialize Index
# Save this value for faster reference
@ma_char_is_emf_sprite = ma_char_is_emf_sprite?(character_name)
if @ma_char_is_emf_sprite
# Get pattern
@maemf_character_pattern = maemf_get_frames(character_name)
@maemf_character_pattern.shift # Remove frame number
@original_pattern = @maemf_character_pattern[0]
@maemf_character_pattern = []
# * Initialize Character Frames Proc
def self.maemf_init_char_frames_proc
Proc.new { |method_name|
alias_method(:"maemf_#{method_name}_2ev9", method_name) # Alias
define_method(method_name) do |*args| # Define method
send(:"maemf_#{method_name}_2ev9", *args) # Call original method
proc = maemf_init_char_frames_proc
[:initialize, :set_graphic].each { |name| proc.call(name) }
# ** Game_Player/Follower/Vehicle/Event
# This aliases methods in these classes that change @character_name in order
# to call maemf_init_char_frames
class Game_Player
# Refresh
class Game_Follower
# Refresh
class Game_Vehicle
# Load System Settings
class Game_Event
proc = maemf_init_char_frames_proc
# Clear Page Settings & Setup Page Settings
[:clear_page_settings, :setup_page_settings].each { |name| proc.call(name) }
# ** Sprite_Character
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased methods - set_character_bitmap; update_src_rect
# new methods - ma_set_emf_character_bitmap; ma_update_emf_src_rect
class Sprite_Character
include MA_ExtraMovementFrames
# * Set Character Bitmap
alias maemf_setcharbmp_4rm6 set_character_bitmap
def set_character_bitmap(*args)
@emf_char = ma_char_is_emf_sprite?(@character_name)
@emf_char ? ma_set_emf_character_bitmap : maemf_setcharbmp_4rm6(*args)
# * Update Transfer Origin Rectangle
alias maemf_updtsrcrect_2kq5 update_src_rect
def update_src_rect(*args)
@emf_char ? ma_update_emf_src_rect : maemf_updtsrcrect_2kq5(*args)
# * Set Character Bitmap
def ma_set_emf_character_bitmap
self.bitmap = Cache.character(@character_name)
@emf_char_frames = maemf_get_frames(@character_name)
@cw, @ch = maemf_calc_frame_size(@character_name, bitmap, @emf_char_frames)
self.ox = @cw / 2
self.oy = @ch
# * Update Transfer Origin Rectangle
def ma_update_emf_src_rect
if @tile_id == 0
index = @character.character_index
pattern = @character.pattern < @emf_char_frames[0] ? @character.pattern : @emf_char_frames[1]
sx = (index % 4 * @emf_char_frames[0] + pattern) * @cw
sy = (index / 4 * 4 + (@character.direction - 2) / 2) * @ch
self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
# ** Window_Base
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - draw_character
# new method - ma_draw_emf_character
class Window_Base
include MA_ExtraMovementFrames
# * Draw Character Graphic
alias maemf_drawcharct_3kq6 draw_character
def draw_character(character_name, *args)
character_name[/\%[\(\[].+?[\)\]]/] ? ma_draw_emf_character(character_name, *args) :
maemf_drawcharct_3kq6(character_name, *args)
# * Draw Extra Movement Frames Character Graphic
def ma_draw_emf_character(character_name, character_index, x, y)
return unless character_name
if !ma_char_is_emf_sprite?(character_name)
# Draw regular if there is no frame specification in the name
maemf_drawcharct_3kq6(character_name, *args)
bitmap = Cache.character(character_name)
frames = maemf_get_frames(character_name)
cw, ch = maemf_calc_frame_size(character_name, bitmap, frames)
n = character_index
src_rect = Rect.new((n%4*frames[0]+frames[1])*cw, (n/4*4)*ch, cw, ch)
contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)