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Questions from atheists, agnostics, etc

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RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
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Some of you guys know I'm a Christian youth minister. For those of you who didn't know, you just found out. I work in a Baptist church in Tennessee.

We're going to do a teaching series in the spring on how to share your faith with someone and I'd like some feedback from you.

A - What would be the thing that would make you MOST likely to hear someone tell you about their faith?

B - What would be some of the questions you have for someone who says they are a Christian?

Sidenote - You'll notice this isn't in the debate forum, so I'm really not trying to argue with your viewpoint, I'd just like to hear your opinion. I see a lot of well thought out opinions here and I'd like know what yours are pertaining to this topic.

pokeball TDSOffline
Level 84
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A - A good understanding of their core beliefs. I've met many people who identify themselves as believers of a certain religion, yet know nothing about it other than popular facts. They shape a religion around themselves instead of shaping themselves around it and it's core values. This something I often see even with people that hate religion, they hate it without even understanding why they do so (Over 80% of the time is because they want someone to like them or fit in with a group).

In short, I would most likely hear what anyone has to say about their religion or belief as long as they truly believe it. If you're someone who is a Christians and believes in helping your fellow man, then I will be more likely to listen to you if you weren't talking badly about everyone else and what they do before talking to me.

B - I usually ask "What  is God?". He is not a simple concept or being to comprehend, yet many people feel as if they truly understand it by putting themselves in it's position. So far I have not gotten an answer beyond an omnipotent being with a never ending source of power and infinite wisdom and kindness to match.

I am not sure if this will be any helpful, but that's all I could think of for those questions.

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Very helpful! Thanks. And, as a minister, I agree that more should understand the religion they profess. Thanks again.

Level 91
Personal Text
A- Firstly I would be interested in how they found the religion and started feeling the faith, I would lose interested if they were brought up with it, but if there is a great story behind the faith then it makes for a more interesting read/listen. I would also be curious as to why their particular religion over others, not like a debate about whose is best but more an insight into why said persons religion is more suited to them.

B- Like I mentioned in part 'A', the why, but also like TDS said "What is god to you?" or to more "What is the higher power to you?", "What does your religion mean to you?"

Hopefully this helps, its not quite as elaborate as TDS's but just an input.

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Great! I really appreciate the input.

Level 102
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This is completely unrelated but, where in Tennessee do you live?

RMRK's dad-in-training
Level 72
Busy Husband, Dad, and Youth Minister
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Easy Mode)2014 Best WriterBronze - GIAW 11 (Normal)Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.2012 Best NewbieContestant - GIAW 9
Lexington. It's in between Memphis and Nashville.

Level 102
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Oh alright. You're probably the closest noteworthy RMRK member to me. I live in La Vergne, just outside of Nashville.

Level 94
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I am always more willing to listen to somebody who has been through similar struggles that I have, or am currently going through. Relation is the crux of any conversation that I have. I also agree that I would like to hear how a person came to believe the things that they do. I am not religious, but I am spiritual, so I do feel that faith/belief/spirituality is an incredibly personal thing. Not personal in the sense that it shouldn't be discussed, but personal in that it is tailored and fit to an individuals own perceptions. Therefore, preaching things to or at me never works. I want to hear about your experiences. Why do you believe these things? What was your life like, what happened, and what is it like today?