I've been virtually dead here for almost a month now, so I wanted to just throw you guys a quick heads up. I'm not abandoning you guys or anything, I've just been pretty busy. Got a job started up, and while I'm supposed to be only something around 20 hours a week to start, I've been pushing near 40 hours and constantly having to come in even on my days off due to how busy it's gotten all of a sudden. More hours equals more stress but more money, so can't complain too much. My only issue is how exhausted I feel at the end of the day; my availability and stature makes me considered a go-to handyman for a lot of random tasks, both mental and physical, and I can be especially all over the place when it gets extra busy, so at the end of even a shorter 5 hour shift, I'm usually feeling drained as hell.
When I'm not working at my job, I've usually been doing one of three things; napping to catch up on sleep, working on writing commissions (which was one of the only sources of income me and Zeich had before getting lucky and finding bloody jobs), and just trying to relax and spend some time with my boyfriend while we can. Our schedules have been conflicting a lot lately so that he gets off from his shift just as I'm going on mine, so we try to enjoy what little time we do get together. Been a rough year in general for us with life situations.
So yeah, that's what's been going on with me lately. Hopefully once things settle down and I get more used to the job, I can find more time to hang out again or actually sit and make some games.