Every time I go into a battle, I immediately get this error:
"Script YEM Battle Engine Melody IV 5926: Type Error Occurred
no implicit conversion from nil to integer"
This is the offending line:
skill = $data_skills[@skills[obj]]
I've attached the whole Script.
I'm using most of Yanfly Engine Melody Currently. Before that, I had most of Yanfly Engine 6 mixed in there, and removed them because of the error. That error did not stop, of course, when I removed it. There were other errors, but I can't seem to recreate them, but they had something to do with calculating hit and evade rate or something, and I assumed YE6 Custom Stats was the culprit, but, even with the less-exciting YEM stats, the error persisted. I'm not sure what I did to get that error to stop and this one to start, as it seemed to change to a new error before I started stirpping the other scripts.
I was also using various KGC and Shanghai scripts, and some others, but I've removed everything but YEM and yet I cannot get the damn thing to work.
I even added a bunch of things (like YEM Skill Overhaul) that I don't even want, just in case it somehow required that I use it. Still, not change in the error.
So, my question is: What's going on and how do I fix it?