So I'm having issues deciding on what I should do with a specific set of abilities for my game. I have 3 separate sets of abilities (Weapon Bless, Armor Elemental Bless, and Armor Status Bless. Originally there was a Weapon Elemental/Status Bless, but I dropped the Status Bless for that due to not wanting to manually put in 2000 items again due to 2k9's inability to copy/paste things...and it's just too much work). The problem I'm having is deciding what I should do with the Armor Status Bless. You see, there's roughly 70 armor total in my game that everyone can use (roughly 25-28 characters total. Don't mind the characters right now). So here's the original ability list for Status Bless:
Instant Death, Poison, Blind, Silence, Berserk, Confusion, Sleep, Paralyze, Amnesia, Venom, Petrify, Freeze, Slow, Stop.
Today, I decided that it'd be best to merge some of these into one ability to save me time and space. This is what it is right now:
Instant Death, Blind, Silence, Sleep, Petrify, Antibody (Poison + Venom), Clear Headed (Berserk + Confusion + Amnesia), Locomotion (Paralyze + Slow + Stop), and Body Temperature (Freeze + Heat).
Each of these skills give a "dummy" status to the character (for instance Instant Death will give all allies, since all of these abilities are AoE, the DeathS status). Depending on the status the character has, a Common Event will switch their current armor with an armor associated with the status (unless the armor already has 100% resistance, in which case the status does nothing. Anything NOT 100% however, will be raised to 100%. So if an armor gives Death -40%, Instant Death would make it give Death -100% instead). Each status is set to 20 turns, 100% chance to recover each turn (so it ends exactly after 20 turns have passed, this being all enemies/allies).
Now here's the problem I'm having. This particular skillset is going to a character that desperately needs to be better (she's currently ranked as worst or 2nd worst character in the game), which should hopefully make that character much more useful as a support character. However, I do not know if having these merged will make them too powerful, or if I should have them as single abilities (much more work, and not nearly as powerful, but gives more variety I suppose, and can make MP usage easier?). So yeah...I could use some feedback on this particular issue before I start working on it, which will be as soon as I finish the Armor Elemental Bless segment (which is going to take quite some time anyways...).