Yet another pretentiously named game by NAMKCOR!*
MUSIC SOUL* is going to be a Rhythm Heaven-like game.
It will feature quirky little scenes where you have to rely more on your
MUSIC SOUL* than on your eyes for victory.
I'm recruiting able minded musical artists to provide the musical glory to
MUSIC SOUL*, as I am unable to do so myself.
If you think you can make tracks like this:
and if you think you have the time, drive, and desire to do so, by all means submit your name, and we can chat about ideas. Let me know if you've got any ideas, or if you don't, but you still want to make something, I'm sure we could talk!
In any case, I'd love to get as many musicians as possible, as your names will be on the tracks as well!
Do you have the
*game name and logo not final
rainbows not guaranteed to spew forth from your mouth.