I used the default database until I finished my first continent, then I changed a lot of things in it.
My own steps that I take.
1) Story - Make damn sure you know where your game is headed.
2) Get any customizations you want to make out of the way - I used the default facesets for most of my game, so when I updated it to be custom, I had to literally go through each event and change the face graphics. Believe me, you do not want to do this.
3) Organise - As you get further into the game, you'll be created more and more things and this can clutter up your project. So you want to organise things as early as possible.
Example -
4) Loop any music you're going to use - I've done a few play throughs of other peoples games where the music wasn't looped, it feels weird having music fadeout and then return like that and it kind ruins the gameplay feel a little.
5) Do your eventing and maps - You don't need an explanation for this, but don't put too many events on one map because that lags the crap out of the game (You'll know if you've put on too many events, trust me)
6) Scenes - Now everyone is different when it comes to scenes. For me, whenever I'm making a scene, I put on music that can relate to that scene. So sad music for a sad scene or happy for a good one, etc. This makes my scenes look and sound better for me, and this might help you as well.
7) Have Fun - A lot of places in your game are going to be boring to make, but you'll be able to find some way to turn them into a fun place to event. Sounds weird? It's not, I've got some events that were quite fun to make, especially those that involve my characters playing music.