State Icon Scroll
Version: 1.0c
Author: modern algebra
Date: January 20, 2012
Version History
- <Version 1.0c> 2012.01.20 - Fixed a bug where scrolling state icons would not dispose when showing a different actor in the same window
- <Version 1.0b> 2012.01.05 - Fixed a big bug where states were not showing up where they were supposed to be showing up in the battle scene
- <Version 1.0a> 2012.01.05 - Fixed a small bug where the opacity of the states corresponded to the incorrect value
- <Version 1.0> 2012.01.02 - Original Release
This script allows you to set it so that if an actor is afflicted with many states and buffs, it will scroll through them instead of only showing the first four.
- Allows you to show more than just four states and buffs if an actor is afflicted by more
- Can choose to either smoothly scroll or flash to the next icons
- Can precisely control the speed and how much time to pause on each icon
ScreenshotsA picture of the icons in mid-scroll
Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main and below Materials.
This script is plug & play and will show up in any window, but if you so desire, you can set the speed, pause time, and which windows this feature will be available. See the Editable Region beginning at line 28 for more details.
# State Icon Scroll
# Version: 1.0c
# Author: modern algebra (
# Date: January 20, 2012
# Description:
# This script allows you to set it so that if an actor is afflicted with
# many states and buffs, it will scroll through them instead of only showing
# the first four.
# Instructions:
# Paste this script into its own slot in the Script Editor, above Main and
# below Materials.
# This script is plug & play and will show up in any window, but if you so
# desire, you can set the speed, pause time, and which windows this feature
# will be available. See the Editable Region beginning at line 29 for more
# details.
$imported = {} unless $imported
$imported[:MA_StateIconScroll] = true
# Editable Region
# For all of the following options, you may only alter the part that comes
# after the colon. Each line except the last should end in a comma.
# scroll_speed: This value controls how many pixels the states will scroll
# every frame. If between 0 and 24, then it will scroll smoothly. If set to
# 0, it will be in flash mode, meaning it will show as many states as it can,
# then get rid of them immediately and show the next states, and so on. If
# set to a value greater than 23, then it must be a multiple of 24, and it
# will flash by as many icons as you specify.
scroll_speed: 2,
# pause_time: This value determines how much time to wait once it reaches
# the next icon. There are 60 frames in one second.
pause_time: 60,
# windows_enabled: This array allows you to specify which windows it will
# work in. :Window_Base means it will show up in every window, but you could,
# for instance, replace it with something like this:
# [:Window_BattleStatus, :Window_Status]
# Then the states would only scroll in the Status and Battle Scenes, and not
# in the Main Menu or any other scene. It is recommended that you just keep
# it as [:Window_Base]
windows_enabled: [:Window_Base]
# END Editable Region
if MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed] > 24
MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed] /= 24
MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed] *= 24
# Sprite_IconScroll
# This sprite shows the icons of all states and buffs and scrolls through them
class Sprite_IconScroll < Sprite_Base
# * Object Initialization
def initialize(viewport, x, y, width, icons = [], icon_hues = [])
@last_paused_ox = 0
@scroll_pause_time = MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:pause_time]
reset(x, y, width, icons, icon_hues)
# * Update
def update
# If paused, wait until time finishes
if @scroll_pause_time >= 0
# * Update Pause
def update_pause
@scroll_pause_time -= 1
# * Update Scroll
def update_scroll
# If flashing through all icons
if MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed] == 0
self.src_rect.x += self.src_rect.width # Go to the next set of icons
@scroll_pause_time = MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:pause_time] # Reset pause
self.src_rect.x = 0 if self.src_rect.x >= bitmap.width
elsif MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed] <= 24
self.src_rect.x += MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed]
if self.src_rect.x >= @last_paused_ox + 24 # Make sure stops on an icon
# If at the point where repeating original icons, reset src_rect.x
self.src_rect.x = (@last_paused_ox + 24) % @restart_x
@last_paused_ox = self.src_rect.x
@scroll_pause_time = MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:pause_time] # Reset pause
self.src_rect.x += MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed]
@scroll_pause_time = MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:pause_time] # Reset pause
self.src_rect.x %= @restart_x
# * Dispose
def dispose
bitmap.dispose if bitmap
# * Reset
def reset(x, y, width, icons = [], icon_hues = [])
self.x = x
self.y = y
@restart_x = icons.size*24
src_x = src_rect.x if src_rect
# Only create the icons buffer if not on Flash All mode.
w = MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed] == 0 ? 0 : width
bitmap.dispose if bitmap
self.bitmap = + w, 24)
# Remember point at which to reset the src_rect
src_rect.set(src_x ? src_x % @restart_x : 0, 0, width, 24)
draw_bitmap(icons, icon_hues)
# * Draw Bitmap
def draw_bitmap(icons, icon_hues = [])
# Unless it is simply flashing through each row
if MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:scroll_speed] != 0
# Create a buffer so that it can smoothly scroll
icons += icons[0, viewport.rect.width / 24]
icon_hues += icon_hues[0, viewport.rect.width / 24] unless icon_hues.empty?
# Draw all icons
icons.each_with_index {|n, i|
if icon_hues.size > 0 # Icon Hue Compatibility
draw_icon_with_hue(n, icon_hues.shift, i*24, 0)
draw_icon(n, i*24, 0)
# * Draw Icon (copied from the default Window_Base method)
def draw_icon(icon_index, x, y)
iconset = Cache.system("Iconset")
rect = % 16 * 24, icon_index / 16 * 24, 24, 24)
bitmap.blt(x, y, iconset, rect, 255)
# * Draw Icon With Hue (Icon Hue Compatibility)
def draw_icon_with_hue(icon_index, icon_hue, x, y)
iconset = Cache.system("Iconset")
rect = % 16 * 24, icon_index / 16 * 24, 24, 24)
# Draw Icon onto small and independent bitmap
icon_bmp =, 24)
icon_bmp.blt(0, 0, iconset, rect)
icon_bmp.hue_change(icon_hue) # Change hue of icon
rect.x, rect.y = 0, 0
bitmap.blt(x, y, icon_bmp, rect, 255)
icon_bmp.dispose # Dispose Icon Bitmap
# ** Window_Base
# Summary of Changes:
# aliased method - initialize; draw_actor_icons; update; dispose
# new method - dispose_icon_scroll_sprites; update_icon_scroll_sprites
class Window_Base
# * Object Initialization
alias masis_iniz_4hb5 initialize
def initialize(*args, &block)
# If an enabled window
if MASIS_SCROLL_SETTINGS[:windows_enabled].any? {|win_sym| self.is_a?(Kernel.const_get(win_sym)) }
@iconscroll_sprites = {} # Initialize Sprite Hash
@iconscroll_viewport = # Initialize Viewport
masis_iniz_4hb5(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
update_icon_scroll_viewport if @iconscroll_viewport
# * Draw Actor Icons
alias masis_drwactoric_4jv3 draw_actor_icons
def draw_actor_icons(actor, x, y, width = 96, *args)
icons = (actor.state_icons + actor.buff_icons)
if @iconscroll_sprites
@iconscroll_sprites.each_pair {|key, val|
dispose_icon_scroll_sprites(key) if val.x == x && val.y == y }
# If icons exceed the space given and this window enables state scroll
if (width / 24) < icons.size && @iconscroll_sprites
w = (width / 24) * 24
icon_hues = []
if $imported[:MAIcon_Hue] # Icon Hue Compatibility
for state in actor.states
icon_hues.push(state.icon_hue) if state.icon_index != 0
if @iconscroll_sprites[actor.object_id]
@iconscroll_sprites[actor.object_id].reset(x, y, w, icons, icon_hues)
dispose_icon_scroll_sprites(actor.object_id) if @iconscroll_sprites[actor.object_id]
@iconscroll_sprites[actor.object_id] =, x, y, w, icons, icon_hues)
else # Otherwise, resort to default method
dispose_icon_scroll_sprites(actor.object_id) if @iconscroll_sprites[actor.object_id]
masis_drwactoric_4jv3(actor, x, y, width, *args) # Run Original Method
# * Update Window
alias masis_update_3ed4 update
def update(*args, &block)
update_icon_scroll_sprites if @iconscroll_sprites
update_icon_scroll_viewport if @iconscroll_viewport
masis_update_3ed4(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
# * Update Icon Scroll Sprites
def update_icon_scroll_sprites
return unless @iconscroll_sprites
@iconscroll_sprites.values.each {|sprite|
sprite.update # Update each sprite
# Match the opacity of the rest of the contents
sprite.visible = self.visible
sprite.opacity = self.contents_opacity
# * Setup Icon Scroll Viewport
def update_icon_scroll_viewport
return unless @iconscroll_viewport
# Update Viewport stats to match the contents.
if viewport
# Real position of the window
vrect = viewport.rect
x = vrect.x - viewport.ox + self.x + padding
y = vrect.y - viewport.oy + self.y + padding
w = [width - 2*padding, (vrect.x + vrect.width) - x].min
h = [height - 2*padding, (vrect.y + vrect.height) - y].min
@iconscroll_viewport.z = viewport.z + 1
@iconscroll_viewport.visible = viewport.visible && && self.visible
x, y, w, h = self.x + padding, self.y + padding, width - 2*padding, height - 2*padding
@iconscroll_viewport.z = self.z + 1
@iconscroll_viewport.visible = && self.visible
@iconscroll_viewport.rect.set(x, y, w, h)
@iconscroll_viewport.ox = self.ox
@iconscroll_viewport.oy = self.oy
# * Dispose Window
alias masis_disps_1qn6 dispose
def dispose(*args, &block)
# Dispose all scroll sprites
dispose_icon_scroll_sprites(nil) if @iconscroll_sprites
@iconscroll_viewport.dispose if @iconscroll_viewport # Dispose the viewport
masis_disps_1qn6(*args, &block) # Run Original Method
# * Dispose Icon Scroll Sprite
def dispose_icon_scroll_sprites(actor_id = nil)
return unless @iconscroll_sprites
if !actor_id # If nil, delete all Icon Scroll Sprites
@iconscroll_sprites.keys.each {|a_id| dispose_icon_scroll_sprites(a_id) }
elsif @iconscroll_sprites[actor_id] # If a sprite exists for that object
# Delete the individual's sprite and remove it from the hash
- ziifee; his RMVX script inspired this one
Please post in this topic at RMRK to report any errors or to ask any questions about this script.