500 years ago on October 31st 1511, Makaku, Ghoria and Sagal achieved world domination. They took over the planet of Galleirus and tried to destroy it.
It took the power of one mysterious hero to bring them down, and for 500 years after that, they were sealed in the Gold World.
Now, through their unlimited power and the ability to preserve themselves for eternity, they're back to do it again, and this time they have help from the Jade Clan.
You play as arrogant youth Kendall, and potential love interest Jenny in this battle the save the world from ruin.
Kendall - A mouthy, self-centered 17 year old high school student that studies at Kondia High School.
Jenny - Kendall's best friend, an intelligent and logical sixth former who studies alongside Kendall.
James - A mysterious, socially disconnected boy who never tends to be nice to people.
Bella - James' girlfriend, thinks she's better than everyone else.
Makaku - The mad one, is constantly thinking about destroying things.
Sagal - The brains of the trinity, keeps the other two in order.
Ghoria - The ghoul king, a broken wreck who's stayed in his house for the last 500 years.
Coming Soon
Coming December