Ok, so I've browsed tthe forum quite a bit and I've seen many actor biographies.. however.. what I'm looking for is a scene that allows you to choose characters in your story such as in Final Fantasy Tactics.. I can easily do this with events, however I am quite annoyed by the limit of 4 choices in the Show Choice event, I would like to see it have a scrolling menu on the side that you can select from that depicts the names of characters throughout your story, (like choices) and when you select it a window displays picture and a short paragraphed story of the selection. Also the selections should not all be active from the beginning. It would workk better that when you meet or hear about the character in game, that the biography becomes active.. like this:
Your character has met "Elric Yore"
Control Variable: Biography = 1
If Biography >= 1
Display "Elric Yore's" Biography in the window..
It seems like a pretty simple script or event that can make this work.. does anyone have something like this or point me in the right direction?