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[Visual] Scribbles

Started by Dyre, March 14, 2011, 03:42:17 AM

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Nifty! THe image in post#23 reminds me of Frankenberry cereal for some reason; I think it will fit very well with the style of the game.

Fantastic work, Miss Dyre.


Aha. Yes. I can see that. He is blue and cartoon-y, it makes perfect sense that you see Frankenberry in there. I actually like that you do, means the cutesy thing is working. ^.^

Oh, man, I hope the style fits. Starfall is going to be my big project. The "I might take it commercial if it comes together well" project. As such, it is in the back of my mind constantly. The RPGMaker game is my first step on the road to making Starfall. They're completely different in gameplay, but I've never written or done artwork for games before and need to make sure I can. My husband and I want to make games together, he's teaching himself programming and I'll likely be doing everything else (because I am crazy). Starfall will be all mine, however, as I found that Construct is a pretty nifty program and seems a nice fit for the style of gameplay I'm planning. If I can accomplish that then I will be ready to take on my husband's far more ambitions ideas.

Well, that was an awful lot of rambling. I apologize.

On to more arts!

Re-post from Project thread is all I have right now. These are just the portraits though, not screenshots.


Very good! I have a thing for the sexy witches, I like the first potrait.


Inks and Colors for portraits - Not finished shading, and may color the lines. This is all I had time to do though. =/


That is so pro, dude. Top drawer.


Been a while, and most of the stuff I've had time to draw has been game-related, so it's in that topic.

I wanted to take a small break from that though, not the game but the art for it. There's only so much cutesy I can handle before I burn out, it seems. I still have little time for these things, but I managed a sketch of something entirely different from the game stuff.

Some old characters, from a story I may eventually do something with, that I am quite attached to. It was fun to draw them again.

Pardox is the large figure with the big grin there, he has...interesting hobbies.
Mitra is a nuisance, so he decided to include her in one of them.

I've been asked before, when showing pictures of Mitra, why she doesn't have wings when she's supposed to be a fairy.
Truth is, she had wings once. Fleshy little opaque fairy wings that grew from her back and made a soft whistling sound when they flapped.
Then she upset the wrong person and lost them. She has new wings now, not of flesh and not entirely of her - but at least nobody can rip them out.

Now back to drawing the stuff I'm supposed to be.


[spoiler=Kirin Sketches]


Here is a sketch thing.

Been up too long, there are so many new features in vxace ><, can't wait to try spriting her in the super adorable chibi style.


Figure it is art, may as well stick it in this thread instead of filling the project thread with these things.

Bunch of quick costume redesigns for Nini, to suit the now chibi style sprites in VXA.
This went much faster than I expected, and now I have better refs for sprites. ^.^

[spoiler=Lots of Images!]
In order obtained;

Nighty (begins in)

Favorite Outfit (first costume)

Cute Miner Gear(second)

Little Witch Robes (third)

Magical Girl Costume (final/special/one of three -need to design the others still-)


Been a while since I put some art stuff up. Still game related, but I'd rather not fill that topic with random pictures.

So I'll fill this one instead. ^.^


Kind of happy with these, so wanted to share.


Hoping to keep the same quality as the Brother/Father faces for all of them.
More than likely they will be lineless when finished. Just wanted to get sizes down and redesign the men-folk.