Just finished playing the demo. Aside some small, yet simple problems: You can "climb" on things that are covered with blood, walk under the chairs, sinks always causes error (might be because system they are related to isn't in demo yet), and when opening locked door with 1st Floor key, you get stuck
There isn't much to talk about plot, because it's still in process, but demo was fun to play, but it raises few questions:
Are you gonna do cut-scenes with pictures?
How much hit points zombies have?
Will there be Silent Hill UFO-ending like ending/easter egg?
That's why its always good to have someone test the game
Since I know what to do, I just run straight to objectives rather than debugging properly. So, I'd like to thank you for taking the time to post and play the demo.
Yes, I will be doing cutscenes with pictures. The art is somewhat drawn for the second chapter (there will be a cutscene played out like a comic book with voiceovers and such, explaining what happened. And, there will continue to be such cutscenes after the first chapter)
There will be a total of 4 chapters. Each one progressively longer and they will all culminate in an "ending" chapter, so I suppose there's 5 then.
The zombies are giving me some problems with the script I'm using. The one in the garden is unkillable unless I make the player start there, which is very weird. That's being ironed out.
And endings are going to be pretty basic I guess you could say. Not basic as in "win"/"lose" but like, if you do this, this will happen. Where saving someone matters or bringing this item with you at the end of the game. But if you have any ideas for a funny ending, I'm glad to hear
If I have one, I need to make it possible through a second playthrough. So, I'm gonna have to make my game replayable (giving the player a gun in the beginning of the game on the second playthrough, etc.)
Again, thanks for the feedback.