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2010 Awards Voting

Started by modern algebra, December 14, 2010, 06:01:11 PM

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modern algebra

All the nominations are in and it's time to start voting for the 2010 RMRK awards! What's the best project on RMRK? Is Holk the best writer? Who's the most handsome arlen? You decide.

Voting will close on Christmas Eve.


Who's the most handsome arlen?

That would be arlen.


Wrong. The most handsome arlen is Karo. :mad:




modern algebra

Only four more days until voting closes.

And arlen, consider your confusion an act of divine retribution. Every heterosexual male and lesbian becomes confused as to their sexual orientation whenever they see your dashing handsomeness :P

You should probably be creeped out.


Less than 24 HOURS to go and vote for your favorites. =D