more that one source can be placed in an event just make sure that the comments are on the first event page, each source is in it's own comment, and that there are no event commands other than comments between the source comment and the top of the page.
to place sources make a comment at the top of the first page of an event. inside the comment place
a weather source
this would make a weather source with a point shape that extended for 480 pixels. creating type 1 weather with a max power of 9. if your using MAWS or Zero Advanced Weather it would call variation 0 (even if you NOT using the scripts you STILL need the variation setting but it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is a number, I say put it at 0) the source would be named 'weathersource1' and the event piece would be named '1'
this would make a weather source with a hstrip shape that extended for 480 pixels to the right and diminished for 160 pixels in all directions. creating type 1 weather with a max power of 9. if your using MAWS or Zero Advanced Weather it would call variation 0 (even if you NOT using the scripts you STILL need the variation setting but it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is a number, I say put it at 0) the source would be named 'weathersource1' and the event piece would be named '1'
this would make a weather source with a vstrip shape that extended for 480 pixels down and diminished for 160 pixels in all directions. creating type 1 weather with a max power of 9. if your using MAWS or Zero Advanced Weather it would call variation 0 (even if you NOT using the scripts you STILL need the variation setting but it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is a number, I say put it at 0) the source would be named 'weathersource1' and the event piece would be named '1'
this would make a weather source with a box shape that extended for 480 pixels to the right and 480 pixels down and diminished for 160 pixels in all directions beyond that box. creating type 1 weather with a max power of 9. if your using MAWS or Zero Advanced Weather it would call variation 0 (even if you NOT using the scripts you STILL need the variation setting but it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is a number, I say put it at 0) the source would be named 'weathersource1' and the event piece would be named '1'
for a dynamic weather source (a weather source that hovers over an event)
this would make a weather source with a point shape that extended at full power for 1 pixel and lessening power 160 pixels beyond that. createing type 1 weather with a max power of 9. if your using MAWS or Zero Advanced Weather it would call variation 0 (even if you NOT using the scripts you STILL need the variation setting but it dosn't matter what it is as long as it is a number, I say put it at 0). the source would be named 'dweathersource1' and the event piece would be named '1'
for a tone source
\dee[tone|Source shape|<width|height>|power|red|green|blue|gray|source_name|piece_name]
this would make a tone source with a point shape that extended for 160 pixels. it would add -20 to the red -20 to the green -10 to the blue and 10 the the gray of the map tone the source would be named 'tonesource1' and the event piece would be named '1'
for a dynamic tone source (a tone source that hovers over an event)
this would make a dynamic tone source with a point shape that extended for i pixel and diminished for 160 pixels. it would add -20 to the red -20 to the green -10 to the blue and 10 the the gray of the map tone the source would be named 'dtonesource1' and the event piece would be named '1'
if a source name has already been used for a source of the same type a piece will be added to the already created source
these are all the shapes you can use
Point – a pixel in the center of the map square will be treated at the source width or height parameters are not needed (don't use them, it will cause errors)
Hstrip – a strip of pixels centered in the middle of the map square that extends to the right from the left side of the map square acts as the source. The width parameter is required and defines how far to the right the line extends (use only width, adding height will cause errors)
Vstrip - a strip of pixels centered in the middle of the map square that extends down from the top of the map square acts as the source. The height parameter is required and defines how far down the line extends (use only height, adding width will cause errors)
Box – a box who’s width and height are defined by the width and height parameters acts as the source (use both width and height)
Script calls:
if you use the event comand to change the screen tone on a map with a tone source neither will work correctly. as such there is a script call to change the base tone of a map with a dynamic tone source. DO NOT use it on a map without out a tone source.
D_W_E.chage_base_tone(r, g, b, gr, duration)
to disable an entire source
D_W_E.disable_source(type, source_name)
type is either 'tone' or 'weather'
source_name is the name of the source in '' or "" (string form)
D_W_E.disable_source('weather', 'weathersource1')
would disable all pieces of a weather source named 'weathersource1'
to enable an entire source
D_W_E.disable_source(type, source_name)
exactly like about but enable all the pieces of a source
to disable a piece of a source
D_W_E.disable_piece(type, source_name, name)
type is either 'tone' or 'weather'
source_name is the name of the source in '' or "" (string form)
and name in the name of the name of the piece in string form
D_W_E.disable_piece('weather', 'weathersource1', '1')
would disable piece '1' of a weather source named 'weathersource1'
to enable a piece of a source
D_W_E.enable_piece(type, source_name, name)
exactly like above but enables a source piece