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[RPG MAKER VX Demo] A Nightmare in Sunnydale, California

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Level 86

- A working computer

- The RPG Maker VX RTP
- The RPG Maker VX program


                A young girl gave up her very life to save the world from massive destruction… only to reawaken in a world far more terrifying than the one she died to save.


               Buffy Anne Summers was once a fierce warrior. As the Vampire Slayer, she fearlessly combated against the deadliest of vampires, demons, gods, corrupted government agents and saved her hometown Sunnydale from several apocalypses. Unfortunately, Buffy has since lost all of her memories and her sense of self. Teaming up with Dean Winchester, Buffy races to piece together the mysteries behind herself and this world, and to hopefully find a way back home. But little does she know that she is all but a minor part in someone’s much larger (i.e. evil) scheme.

Cast: (Demo Version only)

Buffy Summers
Once a fierce warrior and feared among demons in her original world, she has lost all memories of her former self and fights to return things to normal. She's mostly a sweet young woman, although is prone to sarcasm. She's strong willed, determined and focused, if a little dense at times.
How to recruit

Dean Winchester
In his original world, he and his brother were powerful demon hunters. Unlike Buffy, he remembers his life on the "other side" and wants to find his brother at all costs. He can easily be mistaken for a mindless brute, but he is actually quite intelligent, possessing adequate knowledge about the occult. He's a loyal ally, if brutally honest, and has a tendency to make inappropriate jokes.
How to recruit

Ash J Williams
Ash was once an average S-Mart employee until a trip to a cabin changed his life forever. He was sent into a demon realm, treated as a slave until gaining enough strength to become a demon lord himself. He is desperate to return to his kingdom and is willing to do whatever it takes to get there.
How to recruit
Choose to keep him after getting rid of the Vexicon spawn

Heather Lagenkamp
In the real world, she was an actress who received her big break by starring in the original "A Nightmare on Elm Street." After some strange occurrences that transpired during the taping of the final film in the series, Heather took time off to focus on her family. She was ready to return to cinema, until a car accident lead her into this nightmarish world. Heather desires to return home, but she knows she has to do this discreetly.
How to recruit
She will join your party during the Craven Estate sequences and will stay with you unless you choose to go to Satellite Tower without her

Born a half-God and half-human, Hercules possess strength well beyond any human who's ever lived. He is noble and wise well beyond his years, and is always focused on the larger picture. In his original world, he protected the helpless of the wickedness that threatened them. However, the lack of helpless citizens to protect in this world has left him feeling a little lost and purposeless...
How to recruit
When entering Route 1428 for the first time, follow Buffy's instincts. Assist Hercules in the battle, and he will join you. Save Xena and you will have the option of recuiting him, or Xena.

Once a powerful and merciless killing machine, Xena saw the error of her ways and began to fight for redemption. This endeavor forced Xena to go through many trials and tribulations, but aloyal companion remained by her side through it all, and they eventually became lovers. However, Xena has strangely seemed to regress to her earlier ways, can she be helped?
How to recruit
First, assist Hercules in defeating the demons. Defeat her at the end of the Route 1428 but choose not to kill her. Take her body back to Rham Jas in Moonshadow and she can be recruited afterward.

Rham Jas
A young psychic and exorcist, who once tried to save a young woman from having her soul undeservedly dragged to hell after being cursed by a gypsy. Despite his best efforts, he failed the young woman and has never been able to forgive himself for it. Since then, Jas has been longing for the opportunity to redeem himself and perhaps try once more to save the young woman. Is he up for the challenge?
How to recruit
First, you need to complete the Route 1428 quest. After saving Xena, you will have the opportunity to allow him into your party. Keep in mind, you don't need to have Xena nor Hercules in your party to recruit him.

-> Can choose up to eight playable characters out of a cast of twelve, and can switch them in and out of battle at will.
-> Sandbox style gameplay. You can choose how much of the game's content you wish to see (full-game only).
-> Can obtain up to four possible endings
-> Semi-customize your characters by designating them to the weapon (or weapons) of your choice. Some characters can have up to 30-40 skills bare minimum, while others can have close to a hundred
-> A fast-paced dark yet comedic storyline

Spoiler for:


Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rdaqkogjzb8urir/%3DANISC%3D%20%5BDemo%20Version%5D.zip

Constructive criticism is of course encouraged! Tell me what sucks so I can make it not-suck for the full game release.


SCRIPTS - Wortana, Vanfly Engine, Mithran, DeadlyDan, Bulletxt
battle anims - TimmahX
Music - System Shock 2, ObsCure II, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Bomberman 64, Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers, Fatal Frame 3
Window Skins - Woratana, Aindra, Wulf
graphics -  Zeroplumbers, Adamhx
Fred Krueger - Hiro Harvest Wolf
Character Sprites - Vechs, Blake, various members of RPG Maker VX community

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Okay,wtf? why u using buffy and hercules in the same thing,thats jsut...god i can't even think of a word for it,apart from that this looks ok

By Kraft

Level 83
...what the fuck is this? Please delete this.... It hurts my eyes. Like no lie

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
...what the fuck is this? Please delete this.... It hurts my eyes. Like no lie
i second this

By Kraft

Level 86
Okay,wtf? why u using buffy and hercules in the same thing,thats jsut...god i can't even think of a word for it,apart from that this looks ok.......................

Short answer: Because I wanted to

Play the game and find out. It's explained and I'm confident that it actually makes sense.  ;) 

...what the fuck is this? Please delete this.... It hurts my eyes. Like no lie

Why? Because it's unconventional? Because it doesn't involve rescuing a princess or slaying a dragon?  :P

This was an idea that literally hit me in the shadow and I started working on it immediately just because. Since I'm not interested in game design as a career and VX is only a hobby of mine, I might as well have some fun with the program. And facesets aside, what's so wrong with the screenshots?

If you're still unsure of the game, take a look through my youtube channel. It's actually been received VERY well so far. Make of that what you will.


Anyways, I know the stigma crossover games have, but I've using RPGM for a long time so I know how to make a game not suck completely. I wouldn't do something like this if I a) couldn't make it work and b) make it make sense. I basically just wanted to do something fun, but that didn't give me license to release something horrible.

In short: try it. You may be surprised.  :)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 09:43:24 PM by Yeaster »

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 King of RMRK2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Writer2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member2010 Best Writer
jesus christ what is this
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 83
The plot is horrible. The premise is horrible. Idc if you are the best RPG Maker user ever, I won't play it

Level 86
I disagree. If you haven't played it, how can you judge the plot? ;)

Would you mind stating specifically why you think the plot/premise is bad?

jesus christ what is this.......................

A fun game that:
-> Doesn't take itself too seriously but at the same time isn't complete ass
-> Has a coherent storyline and attempts to have engaging gameplay as well as character development, areas that most comedy games feel that they are "exempt" from.

If you don't want to play it, that's absolutely fine but I don't really see why you have to be so nasty about it. Honestly, what do you have to gain out of forcing yourself not to play this? Will it somehow increase your internet credibility? I don't get it. :\

You really have nothing to lose by giving it just a few minutes of your time. I guarantee that it will exceed your (if minuscule) expectations. After all, people complain that RM games can get kind of similar. For better or worse, there aren't that many games out there that are like this.
(*prepares for the inevitable "thank God!" comment*)

A-pow 2015
Level 81
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It's a little.....unorthodox, but from what I saw of the youtube videos, it looks like you've put a fair amount of work into it. Hey, if it's the kind of game you want to make, go for it.

Oh, and ZOMG DEAN!!!! <3  ;8
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 12:22:21 AM by Acolyte »

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 King of RMRK2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Writer2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member2010 Best Writer
I asked what it was not that it was shit
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 86
Sorry. The rest of my dissertation wasn't directed towards you, I was just speaking in general. =D

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 King of RMRK2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Writer2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member2010 Best Writer
You could improve on this by making the only character Ash Williams.

you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 86
Heh. How could I make a horror crossover and NOT have Ash?

I think diehard horror movies should be able recognize every character that appears in the game, even down to the Item Shop people.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
i'm gonna try this and see if i like it,im not making any promises though

By Kraft

Level 86
Feedback of any kind is appreciated, negative or positive.

I feel pretty strongly towards this project, but it's still relevantly early in its development so I'm sure there's a lot of changes that could be made.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Feedback of any kind is appreciated, negative or positive.

I feel pretty strongly towards this project, but it's still relevantly early in its development so I'm sure there's a lot of changes that could be made.
it switched off coz apparently it was missing animattions u stinkeh

By Kraft

Level 86
There's a ReadMe file in the game that explains all of that.

The Animations folder wasn't compressed along with the rest of the game, but it should still be included in the zip folder.

After you've downloaded the zip folder, extract the .exe file and a new =ANISC = [Demo Version] folder should be created.

Next, copy the Animations folder in the ZIP FOLDER and paste it over the Animations folder in the System > Graphics folder inside the new = ANISC = [Demo Version] folder.

From there, everything should work fine. Supposedly there was an easier way to make the game stand-alone, but I didn't know until the demo was already released. Go figure, heh.

Level 84
Will you join me in the dark side...?
My opinion...Why making a game like this if you have the skill to really make something? Well, my point of view, i don't like this kind of funny/using other game things thing, but there is peope that enjoys it.

Nice job anyway! =)
My Puzzle/StandAlone game in a week:

Level 86
Don't worry, I have original projects that I've completed and two on the side that I'm still working on.

This is just something I'm doing for shits and giggles. It randomly popped into my head and it wouldn't leave until I started working on it. If it stayed inside any longer I would've driven myself insane.

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
The plot is horrible. The premise is horrible. Idc if you are the best RPG Maker user ever, I won't play it
That's your loss. All because there are a few things which seem odd doesn't mean you should say that it's horrible. I've been following this game on RMN, since I think it looks cool, and I'm glad I downloaded it.
I think you should download it - it might change your opinion.

And @boxxy1756 -
Quote from: boxxy1756
it switched off coz apparently it was missing animattions u stinkeh
WTF are you insulting him for? If you took the time to actually do things correctly you wouldn't of had that problem.

@Yeaster - I really enjoyed the bit I managed to play, and when I can I'll make a point on writing a review for this over on RMN. Great game.

Level 86
Thanks Dezz! I appreciate the comments.

I look forward to reading your review.