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[Request] Skill Synthesis Script

Started by Kularian, August 17, 2010, 04:15:49 PM

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Skill Synthesis Script

So basically, I'd like something that would allow the characters to create two of their currently learned skills into something new.  In doing so, they would forget the parent skills, which would leave them with nothing but the newly acquired skill, is the plan. 

Example:  Aluxes knows the skill 'Fire' and the skill 'Hard Slash.'   He then combines those two skills into a new skill: Fire Slash.  In doing so, he permanently forgets how to use Fire and Hard Slash. 

I have alternate ways to leveling for characters to learn skills, so it is possible that Aluxes could learn Fire and Hard Slash again, so I'd need a way for the script to make sure they aren't learning the same skill twice, if possible.

Features Desired

  • The ability to combine skills into new skills.
  • Error-checking so that a character doesn't learn the same skill twice.
  • Some sort of graphical interface, either through a sort of 'shop' system, or from the menu.
  • The ability to use the resulting skills in fusions of their own.


No real mockup, but I did find a similar script (though for VX) over at the Yanfly home page.

Not sure if it's compatible with XP or not, as I can't really tell what is and what isn't :P 

Games its been in

  • Uh...none that I can't think of off the top of my head, though I"m sure it's been done.

Did you search?

Yes.  Heavily.

Where/What did you search?

I spent the last three hours or so searching for the script.  I went to HB Games, Creation Asylum, and unable to find anything, I then went on to run a Google search for RPG Maker XP Scripts and went through about four or five other sites and about the only thing that I came across was the script for the Yanfly system. 

Other Information

I plan to use a few of Charlie Fleed's scripts, namely

So some compatibility would also be appreciated.

Now, I could do this with Events fairly easily, (I think, I haven't really put any thought into how I'd do it beyond the basics,) but the concept is having 3-4 base skills per 'class,' and then having these advanced skills be able to fuse together to create new skills, or even have them be able to fuse again with the base skills to create more powerful versions of these advanced skills, which can then be fused to create more powerful advanced(II) skills, and so on. 

So while I could do the basics of it without much difficulty, creating the more intricate parts may give me an aneurysm, and having seen it done for VX, I'm just curious if it could be done for XP.  If not, I /can/ do it with events, and I probably will, but it just seems like one of those things that could be done with scripts.  Scripting and I just tend not to get along. I can edit some, but creating eludes me, for some reason.

Anyway, if this is something that someone would like to take on, I would be most appreciative, but if not, I really can't blame you :P 
