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Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
Well RMRK, I've decided to write a blog.

Yes I know I know. Blogging is a narcissistic, futile pursuit that I shouldn't get optimistic about at all. Because seriously, who reads those things? And who's even going to be able to find mine? (And I'm sure many of you still think of me as an immature twat who has nothing to say, so you probably have even less faith in me succeeding than I do.)

So why do I want one?

Well... to be honest... I don't know.

I just sorta want one. A year or two or three ago, I was blessed with the concepts of objectivity and subjectivity, which helped me better understand what an opinion truly is, or better yet, what an opinion ISN'T. So I think I could handle this "blogging" thing pretty well. And if I don't get many views, I suppose I'd just shut it down.

So. Why the thread?

I have no fucking clue what blogging service to use. From what I've read, Livejournal evidently has terrible, vague and unorganized rules and shitty mods who have even less of a fucking clue what they're doing than I would in their position. Blogger, on the other hand, is run by google. So, uh... no. So what does that leave?

Seriously, that's my question. What does that leave? I want something with the following options:
-Allowing me to blog about adult issues. Not having to censor myself for the oh-so-sensitive little minors who might be reading it. If I wanna talk about practical application of curse words, or explore the psychological reactions that occur in an otaku when gazing upon a panty shot, or list ways that you can tell if you have this or that fetish, I better damn well be able to.
-Allowing me to upload/add my own background. The reason for this is because of architecture. The art of persuasion involves the art of art, and the more pretty and less generic a web page looks, the more visitors it will attract.
-Preferably no policies against most forms of images either. I don't need to upload actual porn to a frickin' blog page, but at least let me have some visual aids on the aforementioned panty shot lecture.
-Anonymity. I want a damn blog that will let me NOT tell them my address or zip code or real name.
-Reader base. No point starting a blog on a website nobody's ever heard of or gone too. If I'm using a blogging service, I want it to be one that somebody's heard of.
-If they DO have rules that prohibit adult themes, it's got to be one of those places where nobody ever enforces those rules because the owners can't be bothered to check everybody's blog page. Or anybody's blog page.

Alternatively, I've considered the option of NOT using a service and instead making my own damn website, but I don't dare go into that territory without being absolutely sure that I'll be able to find somebody who will want to advertise on it so I can pay for it in ad revenue. Thus, I figured I'd only get my own site if I already built up a good enough reader base on another site so I could just tell them "We've moved to such and such".

So, what might y'all recommend? Also, any other advice about blogging I should hear before trying it out?

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
You should have a look into Wordpress.

About the anonymity thing: you can just put false details into registration forms.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
Wordpress looks pretty impressive. But I have a couple concerns.
-Copyright Infringement: Could I potentially get shut down for uploading some image taken from some anime, like that anime blog does on a regular basis? If so, how often does stuff like that happen? Same question about posting related videos uploaded to youtube or other video sites.
-Pornography and its loose definition: Wordpress' Terms of Use include content specifications, mentioning that:
      -the Content is not pornographic
Now "porn" is subjective. I could argue that the picture of some girl's tit on wikipedia's "Breast" article is porn. And I could argue that Playboy Magazine isn't porn and actually hold some merits for studying human psychology. But it doesn't matter what I could argue. It's what the company could argue. Would the company argue that panty shots are pornographic? Especially really detailed ones with the possibility of cameltoe? (I hate that expression. Isn't there something cooler-sounding we can call it?) Because I don't intend to just explore the PG anime stuff.

Does a completely uncensored blogging service even exist?

Level 84
Is a New Zealander
Copyright infringement would be the same regardless of what Blogging software you use. Be sure to check out your country's Fair Use laws, google should find it.

Pornography would probably be any nudity (intended to cause arousal). Go check out some other users Wordpress blogs and see if you can find what they get away with.

Google uncensored blogging service and see if one exists.
I'm much too lazy to put an actual signature here.

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
Using google's too easy. No fun. But I did it anyway. Found "Baywords", piratebay's blogging service. Which is apparently down right now.

Somebody on an IM program recommended LiveJournal to me. But I don't like the architecture of it. I think I will go with Wordpress and just do what I want on there. If I break a rule, I'll just hope that nobody notices.

Rise From The Ashes!
Level 91
"Time to bring the Law!"
Project of the Month winner for September 2009
Blogspot allow pornography, they just add a warning message to your blog.

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
cameltoe? (I hate that expression. Isn't there something cooler-sounding we can call it?)

Moose knuckle

Also doesn't fair use allow you to use pictures of anime/TV shows, as long as you give the proper credit (Anime title)

Level 91
Well if you sign to a known blogging service you are bound to get hits...
I myself had 2-3 blogs along the years, each had at least 100k entries  sadly most of them only got there after a year or so...Suppose I am not interesting enough.

As for privacy to be honest you should use extra caution as just like you every person you know is more than capable of seeing your blog.
Seeing as friends are usually people who you might share interests with, they actually have some odds finding your blog - not looking for you but looking for whatever they are interested in at google.
Most of those times they won't be able to connect you to the blog's writer unless they really know you well.
I sadly had to close 2 blogs on that, blogs with 100% no email, name or anything, just because my friends stumbled upon a blog, enjoyed reading it, and did their 1+1...
(Again both lasted around a year so that's a lot of content, the more content the more risk obviously)
Keep that in mind, then again for as long as you don't write anything weird about your own friends they wouldn't usually mind, closed mine because I enjoy my privacy...

"Also doesn't fair use allow you to use pictures of anime/TV shows, as long as you give the proper credit (Anime title)" - pretty sure it is, and I never had any issues with that at all, free advertising is always a good thing.
holy shit my sig was big!

Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
-Blogspot is blogger now. Fuck, why does google have to own all the good shit?
-Typepad doesn't necessarily prohibit porn, but apparently they make you pay for their service at some point.

Why can't there be like, some fusion of the two, that allows "porn" but doesn't cost anything and isn't run by google?

I thought of tripod. But I can't figure out where the fucking blog search bar is on the tripod site, so I can't look at different tripod blogs to see what they look like. For petesake, put it on the main fucking page like everybody else does. Anybody know where tripod's search bar is?

I'm thinking of moveable type, or their service Vox. Not sure yet. I'm exploring their blogs with their search bar that actually exists (tripod I hope you're reading this) and I'm finding very little relating to anime, nothing under panty shot, and not even a single post about something like Strike Witches. If there aren't any blogs on Vox that have talked about Strike Witches yet, then either the service is extremely unpopular, or they have more censorship than their ToS lets on about.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 04:52:05 PM by Animefan »