So half way through and my impressions:
occult - dropped, ookami - dropped, amagami - GREAT way better than expected sadly I just really wish it would be different guys I mean this guy has no personality to begin with...
still I enjoy the design behind the girls, still watching.
cat shit one - when is that episode 2 coming? episode 1 was quite enjoyable
shiki - I am really laughing out loud at the stupidity of some of the characters I mean it's about time they'll do their 1+1, I hope there is a twist though.
and seriously, this doctor would kill people with a common cold, stop sending people home!!!
lol and doesn't that half-zombie tactless guy look like michael jackson?
thank god it's not boring lame and stupid as umineko, still higurashi was better (sure rika had a reset button but it was so darn well made..!)
HSOD is just a mix between "wtf" "lol are they really that dumb?!" and "lol more random fan service"
but really nothing so far beated the first episode of it in terms of stupidity, and I just love it
by far one of the best zombie series/films I have ever seen, most of them only have one thing that's so stupid you'll be laughing a year about it (for example there was that one zombie movie where every time a zombie went on fire their heads exploded even if no flames reached them
some of my favorite things
"I got this special number from my dad he said I should call it only if it's an emergency" "and it wasn't half an hour ago when people were randomly killed around here because...?"
"omg the town is burning with copy-paste smoke!!!!"
"I am in the spear club, watch me get beaten by my own spear twice"
"how fast can a zombie kill a main character that's sitting 1 stair away from it and not moving? 5-6 minutes tops! first he gotta crawl then stand up, then crawl again, then advance slowly, did we mention he started 10cm away?"
"how long does a friend of a main character takes to transform into a zombie?" "if he wears an armored jacket ... about 1000 times longer than others!"
"omg omg I can't believe it omg omg the cops are shooting omg omg what are they shooting at omg omg zombies omg omg"
"I am a doctor!" (still looking for that proof...)
and that's just the first episode! (sadly it's like they really enjoy recycling scenes and nothing funny can happen in those unless your memory is actually bad enough not to remember what happened a whole entire episode ago)
can't wait until "1 kick - k.o" guy and his little fans come back