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Tales of Orvank:Eric's fable

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3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Eric's 17th birthday has been and gone and he is now old enough to become a wanderer and go in search
of exitement and adventure,but it couldn't have happened at a worse time,the evil dragon Gourjaru
has finally grown in power and is now a huge threat to the world,but will his and Eric's destinies
Somehow link in the end,No-one knows......

Eric black
Age:17 (34 later in the story line)
Class:Wanderer (Guardian later in the storyline)
Bio:Eric was born in the town of rivendock,when he reached the age of 17 he was sent to train in the tutorial realm,but after emerging from that victorious,he returns to see his parents.

Bio:Gourjaru is the lord of all dragons and a very powerful foe,but he has a history that might suggest why he is evil.

Classic item pickup system (WAlk over a item to collect it)
Play as good and evil

Demo (Only the tutorial bit) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IYCCRM6U                                 

By Kraft

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Writer2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
Looks stupid~
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 81
it's time to poke
Why do I have the feeling that eight magical crystals are also involved, Phillip?

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Why do I have the feeling that eight magical crystals are also involved, Phillip?
Because they're not

By Kraft

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Listen guys,just coz i have a bad reputtation,it don't stop this game form being good like

By Kraft

Level 98
2010 Best Veteran2014 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2014 Favorite Staff Member2014 King of RMRK2014 Best Counsel2014 Best Writer2014 Most Mature Member2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2013 Favorite Staff MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.Secret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Best Counsel2011 Best Writer2010 Best Writer2010 Funniest Member
Trust me, i'm psychic. I can foresee the future.
you awoke in a burning paperhouse
from the infinite fields of dreamless sleep

Level 84
This text is way too personal.
Bronze - GIAW 11 (Hard)Silver - GIAW Halloween
Wow. The "screenshot" that you linked to is a blank file, and the link to the demo goes to a 68kb .exe that doesn't even do anything. Kudos to you Phil, you almost exceeded my expectations.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Wow. The "screenshot" that you linked to is a blank file, and the link to the demo goes to a 68kb .exe that doesn't even do anything. Kudos to you Phil, you almost exceeded my expectations.
didn't u play the demo?

By Kraft

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
You can't just upload the game.exe file.
In the editor go to - File > Compress game data -
i did,it should work...

By Kraft

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween

All you loaded up was the game.exe from the folder.
When you compress game data, it makes a game exe package that shows the RGSS orange cog with green arrows, that's the one you want to upload.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

You should put up some screenshots.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 87
"Dear diary, jack pot"
Well to be honest, I wouldn't try the game because the story is just well very weak. It's very generic something someone could come up with in no time, the main character doesn't really appeal to me from what you have typed up. An evil dragon, come on now thats the oldest thing in the book not to mention he has a name close to plenty other dragons(Thank god at least its not something like Draco).

The screenshots I can't see anything, you need to fix them. Many people will judge a game on its screenshots alone, then you have a lot of typing errors (mind you I use commas too much it appears, and I make quite a lot of mistakes myself) right now seeing your replies I don't suppose you used much capitlization, did you?

The features...They are meh. Not something to really make anyone want in on the game, just walking over an item what if its a deadly poison when picked up it kills the player just because he picks it up. Just some thoughts to put in.

In other words, you need to be more detailed, fix the grammar problems you have, put up some screenshots (Because for all we know they could be very crappy), and so on. This is as cronstructive as I'm going to get at this time being.
Deceased, the memories of time flow ever lasting. Let the passion of the living and the dead touch you, and give you their wisdom.

I'd sooner die than leave your side, I'd sooner rust than let you die.

Level 81
Isn't it so that you don't share your projects with rmrk anymore?
You stated so in this topic:

NOWAI, she made I am legend :D

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Isn't it so that you don't share your projects with rmrk anymore?
You stated so in this topic:

NOWAI, she made I am legend :D
i aint a she,the moderators were pissin around and changed ma name and everything

By Kraft

Level 81
Well who's fault was that?

Anyways back on topic.

You seem to have an interesting idea here, just, are you actually going to stick to this project? I think I saw about two or three other projects that you started and then just quit altogether.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
Well who's fault was that?

Anyways back on topic.

You seem to have an interesting idea here, just, are you actually going to stick to this project? I think I saw about two or three other projects that you started and then just quit altogether.
i dunno maybe i'll stick to it

By Kraft

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
That means no.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Level 81

Anyways "I dunno maybe ill stick to it" isn't too good. In my opinion, it seems like you come up with your storylines a little too fast. Like it's just a flash idea that loses its flare real fast. I would advise coming up with a plot and then continuously rework it, tweak it, modify it, correct it till it takes the shape that you want. If you don't have much enthusiasm for your story, your project will most likely fail.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83

Anyways "I dunno maybe ill stick to it" isn't too good. In my opinion, it seems like you come up with your storylines a little too fast. Like it's just a flash idea that loses its flare real fast. I would advise coming up with a plot and then continuously rework it, tweak it, modify it, correct it till it takes the shape that you want. If you don't have much enthusiasm for your story, your project will most likely fail.
see this is the kind of good criticism i wanted,not the sort grafikal and karo rushe do

By Kraft

Furry Philosopher
Level 94
2013 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)Gold - GIAW 11 (Hard)Randomizer - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2012 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)2012 Best RPG Maker User (Mapping)Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantGold - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for September 2008For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki2011 Best RPG Maker User (Programming)2011 Best Veteran2011 Kindest Member2010 Best RPG Maker User (Events)2010 Best RPG Maker User (Story)
We don't bother to give you that type of criticism because people who know you actually as Phillip1776 ( orwhatever the number was) remember that you've almost literally made dozens of such project threads that were obviously well beyond your capability, all back to back with horrid grammar running rampant in each thread and clearly not a hint of skill up your sleeves. So, almost no one is going to take your game making ability seriously anymore.

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
We don't bother to give you that type of criticism because people who know you actually as Phillip1776 ( orwhatever the number was) remember that you've almost literally made dozens of such project threads that were obviously well beyond your capability, all back to back with horrid grammar running rampant in each thread and clearly not a hint of skill up your sleeves. So, almost no one is going to take your game making ability seriously anymore.
on the ream crafter forums they do and i only ever get constructive criticism

By Kraft

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
lol, realmcrafter.

post some screenshots then.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

3==D This is my bellend.
Level 83
lol, realmcrafter.

post some screenshots then.
i aint done screenshots for my RC game coz i might move onto big world tech engine instead

By Kraft

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for August 2008Project of the Month winner for December 20092011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
lol, realmcrafter.

post some screenshots then.
i aint done screenshots for my RC game coz i might move onto big world tech engine instead
lol, realmcrafter.

post some screenshots then.
i aint done screenshots for my RC game coz i might move onto big world tech engine instead

I mean for this one.

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon