Well to be honest, I wouldn't try the game because the story is just well very weak. It's very generic something someone could come up with in no time, the main character doesn't really appeal to me from what you have typed up. An evil dragon, come on now thats the oldest thing in the book not to mention he has a name close to plenty other dragons(Thank god at least its not something like Draco).
The screenshots I can't see anything, you need to fix them. Many people will judge a game on its screenshots alone, then you have a lot of typing errors (mind you I use commas too much it appears, and I make quite a lot of mistakes myself) right now seeing your replies I don't suppose you used much capitlization, did you?
The features...They are meh. Not something to really make anyone want in on the game, just walking over an item what if its a deadly poison when picked up it kills the player just because he picks it up. Just some thoughts to put in.
In other words, you need to be more detailed, fix the grammar problems you have, put up some screenshots (Because for all we know they could be very crappy), and so on. This is as cronstructive as I'm going to get at this time being.