And I was giving the OP other research that he could use. And this was a professor who has programmed longer then you probably. I don't want to fight, but at least admit that what that article says has a few good points.
The article is making a point for someone who has never seen programming logic before in their lives. I don't think that's the case, considering moo is getting an internship.
also see:
I should rephrase, unless you've NEVER seen programming before, learn C++ first.
You think that just because it is interpreted that it means it isn't as versatile and serious? You have done no research on what it can do.
No, I said that C++ is MORE versatile and powerful
It comes with a shit load of modules, and it tells the beginner what they are doing wrong when running it. When you use a compiled language like C, you don't even know if you will get to run it for two seconds without errors.
Actually, when I build my project, it tells me where I made programming errors.
No IDE or Compiler or Interpreter can debug logic errors, so no matter what language you use, there's always the chance that something won't work properly, even though the code is clean. It just means your logic is bad.
And it takes much longer.
To do what? This is a vague and weak argument without some frame of reference.
That is why many professional people have said they use Python to test a concept or use it as an extension for their program.
Extensions are scripting as I said earlier, and making a prototype or testing a concept is ALWAYS done in some easier to understand language, but they don't leave it in that language. Once the prototype works/is accepted it's moved into something more powerful.
tl;dr - yes, python is alright for beginners to learn at first, and it's powerful enough for the web for one thing, but it lacks some of the low level control that makes C++ so immensely useful and versatile, one of which is POINTERS, and another of which is the speed of a compiled language not having to dick around through an interpretation layer. My point still stands, any programmer worth their paycheck is fluent in a C-based language.