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RMRK Spring Cleaning ~ Game Creation Revamp

Started by modern algebra, April 21, 2010, 06:35:10 PM

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modern algebra

Game Creation Update

You may have noticed topics and boards disappearing from the forum at an alarming rate. This is because we are revamping the Game Creation section. The previous scheme which separated by maker ignored the significant overlap between RMs, particularly with regards to eventing and resources, and this led to a lot of repeat topics or worse, people being unable to find the information they were looking for. Further, an excess of child boards of child boards made the section difficult to navigate and many important sections, such as Finished Projects, were ignored because they were difficult to find and separated from the rest of the Projects. So, the new organizational scheme was designed to tackle those issues and hopefully, it has resolved them.

The New Layout

You can probably expect some topics moving around over the next few days to correspond to the new organizational scheme. If you are having any trouble finding a topic you are interested in, feel free to PM me and I will direct you to the right place.

If you have any concerns or comments about the new structure, please post in this thread.

Cascading Dragon

I like this new layout better. It scared me at first but its easier now


I am already getting used to it. :D Like the way it's been laid out, it really is a bit easier to navigate.



One of my local radio stations in Milwaukee is doing spring cleaning too and giving out the crappiest prizes they just have in some stock room...

... Myspace T-shirts, Smackdown vs RAW 2008 for the PS2, Madden NFC 2006 for the PS2, autographed boxes... yes the staff autographed boxes!