Parallel Process, Below Hero
1. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] Set, Hero X Coordinate
2. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] Set, Hero Y Coordinate
3. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] *, 8
4. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] /, 15
5. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] +, 235
6. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] *, 8
7. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] /, 15
8. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] +, 155
9. Show Picture: 2, Cursor, (V[0001],V[0002])
10. Show Picture: 1, Map, (275,193)
11. Loop
11a. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] Set, Hero X Coordinate
11b. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] Set, Hero Y Coordinate
11c. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] *, 8
11d. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] /, 15
11e. Variable Oper [0001:HeroX] +, 235
11f. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] *, 8
11g. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] /, 15
11h. Variable Oper [0002:HeroY] +, 155
11i. Move Picture, 2, (V[0001],V[0002]), 0.0 Sec (Wait)
12. End Loop
The code and numbers above show a mini-map for a 150x150 world map on the bottom right part of the screen with a moving cursor that goes where the player goes. The code relies on the mini-map being 1/8 of the original size of your map, but you can adjust that to fit your needs. I'll break it down, line by line, what's going on.
1-2. Figuring out where your hero is.
3-4. These are your scale numbers. They work with my numbers because my map is 1/8 the size of the actual map. You'll need to tweak these if you want a smaller/larger mini-map.
5. This moves the map and cursor over to the right. Numbers less than 160 will move it to the left side instead.
6-7. Scale numbers, just this time for the Y coordinate. Since you're working with a square map, these numbers should be the same as whatever you're using for the X coordinate.
8. This moves the map and cursor down toward the bottom of the screen. Numbers less than 120 will move it up instead.
9. Shows the cursor at the coordinates we just calculated.
10. Shows the map at a fixed location, change this to taste.
11. Starts a loop, so your processes can be continually updates (i.e. cursor moves with the hero).
11a-h. Just a repeat of your code above to update where the cursor is.
11i. Moves the picture instead of showing it this time.
12. Ends your loop, pretty self explanatory.
This is what the final product looks like with the numbers I used:
Hope that helps.