I. Love. All of you. I cannot tell you how stoked I am to have the support and assistance of my friends. ;_;
*slow motion high five that is totally bitchin'*
Alright, so, I'm not going to post a project link right now, because I'm working on it pretty constantly, and I wanna make sure you always have the most up to date version, SO! Just ask me for it. :3 Next, I'm not designating anyone a specific, hard set position, because I feel that limits things too much. You shouldn't feel like you're infringing on Modern's territory if you have a script you made and want to contribute, or on mine if you have a sprite you made. I want everyone to feel like they can do anything they want. :3
Also, I won't be setting deadlines. Deadlines are irritating, they generate stress, and they are generally quite needlessly restrictive when there's no release date in the first place.
As soon as anyone is ready to start doin' STUFF, just say so!