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Love in Dreams

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Level 83
hes my dad
Hey this is a little game i made in one day. yah this small game in one day im lazy. Oh and tell me if you need screenies and if i do tell me how to get them. Heres the story: One day your working at the office and your friend comes up to you with this strong smelling substance and says, "Try some." since it was your best friend you drank it and blacked out. When you awoke you had no clue where you were or why you were there but things will be clear if you follow the dream? i dont know you guess what is happening to him.

Spoiler for:
There is and easter egg in janices house. step on the stool near the piano it will freeze but its suppose to do that

Oh and you really have to look for the entrances to the next maps.
This is my first game so dont make fun of me just help out.
People if you look in here the least you can do is try it or at least comment unless you are a troll.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 02:26:29 PM by uncleiroh13 »

Level 82
not bad for a first game, the thing that annoys me most about this game is the linking between the maps, IMO maps should be linked entirely up the "spine". I have a nice easy fix for you, copy and paste. --no harshness intented--.
The thing I liked most about this game was the girl that gives you the iron armour ("man she's hot"). LOL LOVELY, although would have preffered an actual cuter char.

Overall rating: 7.4/10
idea rating: 8/10
humour rating: 9/10
technical ability: 6/10 (because of unlinked spines)

Still a good first game.

Level 83
hes my dad
I know. Im gonna put a update now because i added a quest system. Kudos to gamer_guy for making it. And what do you mean a cuter char tell me or show me. Oh ya the spine ya ill fix that in next game i make. Is it possible to have rpgmxp make games that are not IMO's?
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 12:52:13 AM by uncleiroh13 »

Level 82
unless you are very good at ruby scripting yeah! lol, it's realy irritating, but you can download things like pokemon scripts if you scout around a little on google.

--And by cuter char I mean a girl who is WAY HOT! the sort of girl you see on games and go "DAMN she hotter than my girlfriend" .... then your girlfriend hits you >.< --
(something abit like http://c2.api.ning.com/files/o*JHqX5bPeDNOfnMdwpGQAArX6ftC9StDvU7kpXQ2V6c90wdsyZGnS10eN7M2xfdxf5n9E8ftEjuRZWfbfN2ioDIycatWWhZ/Happy_scene_girl_.jpg her but as a charset

Level 83
hes my dad
Ya but im no good at scripting or modeling in fact is there a program to model for rpg maker xp?

Level 82
no idea, but I think Zylos might tell me off for informing you here even if I did lol, he's my .. well to be nice "rule enforcer" :S He's a nice guy realy though, I'm sure