Ok, I'm working on implementing a loan system into my currently active Bank system in the VX Event systems. Check it out. Let me know what I might do a little different.
This is how it's supposed to work:
There's an NPC that the player talks to that will first introduce himself and give you 4 choices: 1, View Paperwork*; 2, Get Loan 1**; 3, Get Loan 2**; Pay Loans***.
*: This option will display a series of texts that will explain how the loan system works and display the current interest on each loan.
**: This option will fill this slot for a loan.
***: This option will create 3 more choices: 1, Pay Loan 1*; 2, Pay Loan*; 3, Back**
*: These options will open a new option to input a number to pay back the corresponding loan slot.
**: This option will take you back to the original 4 choices.
When a player selects the option to create a loan, it will call a Common Event to the corresponding slot. Below, is the current common event for "Get Loan 1".
Here's what the paper work will roughly say to the player: The player only gets to make 2 loans. You can only get a loan equal to half of the amount of gold you currently hold plus what's in your bank account. If you pull the first loan, the second loan will not be affected by the amount of gold you pulled from the first. (So, if player gold = 10 and account gold =20, (player+account=30), so Max Loan 1 = 15. You will now have 45 gold in all including the new loan. When the player pulls loan 2, all the math is done then the amount of gold you pulled for the first loan will be subtracted from that amount. So Loan 2 will be: Player gold = 25, account gold = 20 (player+account=45-Loan1=30), so Max Loan 2 = 15.) This is so that a player with a lot of gold can't withdraw a TON of money from a loan then do it again in the second for even more money. A player can only pull 1 loan from each slot, you can only make a new loan if you have an empty slot open.
Thoughts? Questions?
EDIT: System was changed a bit so that instead of 1/2 the amount of your total gold will equal the max loan amount, it will now equal 1.25 the total amount you currently have. So if you have 100 gold, the total loan amount you can get is 125. If you take the full amount, you can have up to 225 gold. (Do note that I haven't yet implemented an interest system to this yet, so when it gets added like say 10% interest, you will have to pay the bank 137.5 so basically 138 gold, instead of 125. Of course this increases with the amount of gold you borrow. I haven't yet figured out consequence system for this like if you haven't paid the bank in a certain amount of time. I'm thinking about making it so that after a set amount of time, the bank will remove some gold from your current account and in turn will slowly pay itself back. However, that presents the issue that the player doesn't have to use bank account at all then, and instead hoard all of the gold they make. The only incentive for having a bank account is that when you use the account, the gold in it will compound with interest making you more gold. Not sure if this is worth it yet. It's getting very complicated >_<