Okay, first off, in order to set the gender, call this script:
X=0 is for a male character.
X=1 is for a femal character.
If you want to set a different graphic, it can be set in the "Edit Metadata - GLOBAL" section of the editor which comes with Pokemon Essentials.
As for the name, I looked into it, and couldn't figure it out. I did, however, find the script to define the name, but I can't find a way to edit the global value without editing the base script. I wouldn't recommend it since they update Pokemon Essentials every now and then. So, here's the script. If anyone could add it as a new script section thingy for friendlier updates, or at least tell me how so I could do it, it would be appreciated.
def pbTrainerName
trname=pbEnterText("Your name?",0,7) #Obviously this is where the name would be entered
if trname==""
$Trainer=PokeBattle_Trainer.new(trname,trainertype) #this is required to initialize the $Trainer object.
For now, if it helps, you can show the player supplied name in texts by typing "\pn" (Without the quotes.)