Step 1.: Create two events for switches, in two different spots, make a wall between them. Make sure they are the same size. Add the 'ghost' and either a door or the player.
Step 2.: Add some obstacles, make sure it's a puzzle, so don't put them in the same spots.
(Make sure it's harder than mine)
Step 3.:This is the begin of the harder parts: To make sure the ghost will walk the same as the player, we'll have to make the event a bit more complicated. Add the conditional branches for up, down, left
and right, and move routes: up: move up, down: move down and so on. Make sure to click ignore if can't move, or else he'll get stuck if he walks into an object. Last put wait for move's completion behind it. Set speed and freq: speed- fast freq.-highest. Make it a parallel proces
Note that the ghost will always react later as the player, so it will move slower. If you walk normal, the ghost will act normal. don't go 'tripping' or something Step 4.: Make the player switch its events:
The switch won't move
you could put any text which says that you'll need to do something else first(in this case, get the ghost to the other switch.)
Step 5.: Make the switches complete:
Add an extra event page, with variable/switch 'switch switched' or something and make the switch 'switched'. At the ghost switch itself you do only have one empty event sheet.
Step 6: The Chest:
The reward for winning the puzzle can be everything, but we'll go for the good old treasure chest.
Make the chest, and what's inside of it. then make the condition: switch/variable 'switch switched' ON.
Otherwise you can get the stuff from the beginning, and you wouldn't have to do the puzzle.
Then the puzzle is done, I had help with making this puzzle work by