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ADSL Modem Sv3

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Level 88
Unoriginal text here.
I have a friend working in Japan. He's a big gamer too, and he's got a Japanese router like the one here: http://asahi-net.jp/en/support/guide/nttf-sv3.html

We're trying to forward his ports. Portforwarding doesn't have the guide for something like this. I also can't find anything on it from the website above. My friend has a decent enough understanding of Japanese text, but we need to know which menu to go to and what boxes in that menu do what thing.

And that's about it. We're trying to help him forward his ports with a Japanese router, and none of the menus look anything like the one in my linksys router for port forwarding.

First field : "order of precedence" (duh)
Second field: "Using which connection"
Third field: "LAN IP address"
Fourth field: "ADSL IP Address" and the top option is "Use existing IP address" and the bottom is "Enter new IP address"
Next is obviously "Protocol"
And the last field says "Port Number", in parenthesis beside it, it says "Enter in the format (Minimum value - Maximum Value)"

We think this might be what we're looking for. But we're unsure of "order of precedence" (like, priority) is. We also don't know how to find the LAN IP address. We tried the IPv4 address from the command prompt, but that didn't work.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 04:47:51 PM by Animefan »

Resident Cloud
Level 91
did you try the local ipv4 addresses rather than the external ones. should start in 192 like the router page. Also im sure most routers have a language changing feature :S