Okay, so I was messing around with variables, trying different things to see what worked and what didn't. I'll post what I did step by step, what it's doing, and what is going wrong and we'll see if we can pinpoint what I need to do and why
I went into Variable Operations and set it as:
Single Variable 0001:fishing
Operation: Add
Operand: Random Number between 1 and 3
So it shows up as: <>Variable Oper: [0001:fishing]+ , Rnd [1-3]
Then below that I put in a Conditional Branch for if the variable 0001:fishing was 1 you would get a red fish.
and in the Else Handler I put in another branch for 2 and so forth.
My code looks like this:
<>Variable Oper: [0001:fishing] + , Rnd [1-3]
<>Branch if Var [0001:fishing] is 1
<>Change Items: red fish 1 Add
<>Message: You got a red fish!
:Else Handler
<>Branch if Var [0001:fishing] is 2
<>Change Items: blue fish 1 Add
<>Message: You got a blue fish!
:Else Handler
<>Branch if Var [0001:fishing] is 3
<>Change Items: yellow fish 1 Add
<>Message: You got a yellow fish!
:Else Handler
And what happens is, I click on the event, it gives me a random fish (Yay! I actually got a random item!) But after that, I go to click it again and I get no message but I get another of the same fish.
I want to be able to use this event over and over as long as I have bait, and I want the event to randomize every time I click on the event, giving me the message.
Would I add a loop maybe?
Once I fix this variable section of my event, I will be able to add in the condition that I need a rod to start the event, then I need bait to get to the second page of the event where the variable part will be. and after each fish is given to me, one bait is taken.
If I run out of bait, I won't be able to get to the second page of the event, but if I get bait again, I will be able to fish again.