Sorry buddy, but for real, when people get older they realize how they're supposed to drink. Drinking to get completely fucked up is only cool if you save it for a special occasion, when other people are doing it too, and even then it's touchy because nobody likes to clean up after their retardedly drunk friend. Usually, normal people drink enough to be drunk and silly, or if they're at a bar, only enough to be loosened up and talkative so you can still play some pool or darts and socialize normally.
Some occasions call for beers (bars) some occasions call for wines (dinners, or if you are the type of person who likes getting drunk on wine, because wine drunk isn't completely fucked, it's just really silly and lethargic. Great for situations with small groups of people.) some occasions calls for mixed drinks (if you wanna be a little classier than beer, I guess, or if you don't like beer) and in that case there are many delicious options. Vodka mixes well with juices, whiskey and rum are great with colas, and there's nothing wrong with doing a shot or two in between if you know you can handle yourself.
These are all just my observations, though.
Long story short; know your venue, drinking accordingly.