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Rites of Passage

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Level 83
I am the Flux
*edit* I'm pleased to announce that we now have a pre-pre-alpha release up for initial testing of one of the bossfights.

You may download it here. Link removed currently.

P.S: absolutely EVERYTHING is a placeholder in this build.


I am a developer and composer for the game "Rites of Passage", which will be brought to you by Lux Productions sometime in the future. This "company" is represented by three friends (myself, "Rusty" and "Swords") who all are dedicated roleplayers and gaming enthusiasts. We recently created a roleplay on a website called "AnimationSource", which we now are turning into a game for everyone to enjoy. The game is currently almost only code, but we are working on putting the mechanics and story together. So there are no screenshots yet, but the developer's blog is up and running.
It can be found here: http://ropdev.martinsgamegallery.net/#home

Now, the story and general setting is very elaborate so please bear with us. This will be a very long read.

The game takes place in the world of Ekleron and starts in the city of Asper, a human/anthro city, during the beginning of the trials (more on this in the Magic section).
In the world of Ekleron there are three main race pools. The first two races are Humans and Animals, which are the races that Ekleron shares with Earth. The third race is what one could title as the link between Humans and Animals, known as the Anthros.
Comparing Anthros and Humans:

+Thanks to constant migration in history, Humans can be found in cities and towns across the globe.
+Humans are more knowledgeable when it comes to technology and complex machinery than Anthros.
+Humans are more proficient with firearms and other complex modern weaponry than Anthros.

+As a race, Anthros are found across the globe but, like animals, the location of a specific species of Anthro varies. Where they can and can’t live and where they are most comfortable depends of their species.
+Just like animals communicate through body language, Anthros have adapted the same system, allowing them to communicate with other Anthros without the use of words and animals of similar species to theirs.
+Because of their animalistic sides Anthros are more durable and are more resilient to natural conditions.
+A majority of Anthros prefer more traditional weapons like bows and arrows and a variety of blades. Of course, they use these weapons that are made with more modern material.

The Characters:
There are the characters you will be able to play with and as.

Akari and Rusty, two friends from the town of Asper who have minds set on preparing themselves for the next stage of their lives.

Cyrus, son of a renowned sage in Asper who had left him and his father for unknown but "important matters."

Sissmuth, a Valterian who now travels the world in search of adventure to detail his life with and keep his mind alive.

Jollanel, a sarcastic cougar who is Rusty's guardian and trainer, slowly lives his new life as a cartographer. His history is shrouded other than the fact he took part in running the Trials. That, he also keeps a mystery to most.

Oden, a human and former mercenary with elite training who, after his teammates were massacred by the ASRH, went AWOL, and currently survives on his own in the woods outside of Desdon.

Anayu, a loner whose parents mysteriously died of disease when she was at a young age. She spent most of her life after that practicing Earth magic on her own.

The Plot
The world, as Akari and Rusty know it, has been for the most part peaceful for the entire time they've been around. They, like most teens and young adults at the time, haven't concerned themselves much with the happenings outside their small village of Asper. Although the history of relations between human beings and anthros in the world has not been too pleasant, most of it has eased up, leaving only small pockets of radical groups scattered here and there, such as the "Alliance of the Superior Race of Humans", or ASRH, and the "Revolutionary Alliance of the Oppressed Anthropomorphic Race", or known simply as "The Revolutionaries" or "Revolutionary Anthros" for short. The ASRH, however, is the culprit behind recent civil unrest. They have currently arisen to power in the rather distant, predominately human-populated city of Tyran, near the Eastern coast of Astrainia. The citizens of Asper aren't worried too much about it, though, having a much larger city, Desdon, along the only land route from Tyran to Asper. Desdon has long been the protector city of Asper, and neither city thinks it's likely for Desdon to fall into hostile hands any time soon. Akari and Rusty, however, are already preoccupied with other matters. Being 17, they are at the age when anthros of all species typically go on a coming-of-age pilgrimage to the anthro's holy place of Q'ercheck Ental, the sacred city where it is believed the first anthros appeared. There, adolescent anthros coming of age are put through a series of survival and magical tests and quests of personal discovery by the spiritual leaders there. They prepare for it mainly by asking about it from those who have completed it and sometimes by going on solo camping trips in unpopulated areas. Akari and Rusty have been fine-tuning their magic skills, strength, and endurance to prepare their bodies, and researching and practicing survival skills they'll need to prepare their minds. As Akari, Rusty, and many other anthros their age prepare for this pivotal moment in their lives, the rest of Asper, Desdon, and everyone else living in the vicinity of Tyran, silently brace for the worst, but pray at the same time that they won't need to.

Map of Ekleron

Here is a semi-detailed map of Ekleron: http://rtftoon.deviantart.com/art/Ekleron-World-Map-94379198

This is the world where “The Rites of Passage” takes place, Ekleron. There are nine major continents: The mainland, Astrainia; the land with extensive plains, Talonia; the twin islands, Solano and Soleno; the land shrouded in mysteries, Kroll; the volcanic land, Enger; the desert land, Valter; the land of rainforest, Enuj; and the tropical Monsinto Islands.
Ekleron is a world that parallels our own Earth. Meaning that their age in time is similar to our own. There are even similarities in the current and advancing technology between the two.

Below is a link to a zoomed-in image of the general area that the RPG will start in.


The Magic system in the story (and also in the game) is very different from traditional views on magic, as you will read here.

The Magic

Being atoned with the environment, nature, and natural instincts, the Anthros have been gifted with a spectacular ability to control the four basic elements; earth, fire, water, and air. The ability is enrooted into the genes of every Anthro. In most cases, to use the magic stored within the body, an Anthro forces and pushes the magic to an external point of their body until the element surfaces. Once it has, the element can be manipulated by the Anthro as he sees fit. The number of abilities an Anthro can perform is based on the amount of training and familiarity he has with his magic.

In genetics, the magic gene is given the character “M” and the trait is recessive. Of all the combinations of the gene the Anthro will either not have the ability with no chance of passing it on to an offspring, not have the ability but have a chance of passing the ability off to an offspring, or have full use of the ability and able to pass it to an offspring. The recessive gene has a secondary property that determines the element the Anthro will have control over. The combinations of the recessive genes will either give the Anthro sparse power over two elements or greater power over one element. The chance of having a specific element combination is highly based on the species of the Anthro. For example, it’s common to see foxes have control over fire, lizards over earth, dolphins over water, and birds over air.With the exception that a number of certain species have no chance of having control over a specific element, the rule isn’t strict and any combination of elements can be found in any species of Anthro.

With a limited amount of magic that the body produces, Anthros have found a way to collect and store magic in external wells. Gem stones are these well and most Anthros, even ones who can’t use magic, have a stone of some form on their person, be it formed into jewelry; imbedded into a belt or other piece of clothing, armor, or weapon; or, more uncommonly, raw stone. Different types of stones are naturally tailored to hold a specific element easier than others. All stones repel magic on the surface, so a great deal of focus is needed to force the magic through the defense and charge the stone. Because of this it is common practice amongst Anthros to charge their own stones (those without magic will wear uncharged stones, with some exceptions). Once a charged stone is created, an Anthro would need to have the stone on them to be able to siphon the extra magic out to use. Charged stones are highly unstable with physical abuse; they will explode as a result from a hard impact.

With vast amount of practice, discipline, and enough understanding about magic, a pair of Anthros can achieve a state of amazing capabilities commonly known as Elemental Overdrive. To start with, both Anthros must have most of their magic within their body and stones. Standing in proximity with each other, they both must focus their magic to the center of their bodies and then touch each other to combine their magic (or at a small loss of power, aim their magic with a hand to a single spot between them). Once complete, the pair must work together to unleash devastating techniques utilizing their elements. Hurricanes can be summoned using a combination of air and water; small volcanoes can be conjured using earth and fire; lightning storms, with earth and air; blistering heat waves, with fire and air; greater-magnitude landslides and fissures, with earth and water, and so forth. With increased focus, more than two elements may be combined. This impressive skill robs the Anthros of all their collective magic from their bodies and stones and leaves them fatigued.

Poisoning from magic is a real risk that comes from using stones or improperly attempting Elemental Overdrive (commonly found in the early stages of EO training). It is a rare occurrence but there have been enough cases to make it recognized by hospitals around the globe. Magic Poisoning is most commonly a result from being exposed to a source of dense or pure magic, normally a result of a stone being shattered or a stone that has an imperfection that causes it to leak magic. Most cases of MP are painless and will go unnoticed and will cure itself without any aid because the sizes of most stones that are used by Anthros are trivial, as such, so is the amount of magic stored. Symptoms include itching from all points of the body and small discharges of the poisoning element in more potent cases or in those who are more sensitive. Those who can’t use magic are more susceptible to the symptoms, while those who don’t have the magic gene are most susceptible. Rare cases where a person has been exposed to a large amount of pure magic have been reported with symptoms of increased rate, amount, and power of discharges of the poisoning element and an incredible and painful sensation from all over the body. The flow of magic within the body involves the brain, so damage to the mind has been reported with victims going insane. The end result is a large and sudden discharge of magic with similar effects of EO, often followed by permanent mental damage, paralysis in physical parts of the body or magic ability, and even death. It is theoretically possible for a victim to survive extreme Magic Poisoning without suffering permanent or long-term effects, but no such cases have been reported.



The currency traded throughout Ekleron is known as Droplets. Drops (the most popular version of the full word and the one that is used the most in speech) are a manufactured currency that look like gem stones in a shape of an almost flat water drop. They come in many colors to represent their individual values. Their values are below:
White - 1 Dp
Red - 5 Dp
Blue - 10 Dp
Green - 20 Dp
Purple - 50 Dp
There are also paper versions of each of the gems. The value of the paper currency is exactly 100 time bigger than the colored gem that is printed on it. The paper currency also has gem colors printed on them that are not found on the actual gems (though, these values are not as common as the lower values).
Paper White - 100 Dp
Paper Red - 500 Dp
Paper Blue - 1,000 Dp
Paper Green - 2,000 Dp
Paper Purple - 5,000 Dp
Paper Black - 10,000 Dp
Paper Silver - 50,000 Dp
Paper Gold - 100,000 Dp
--To get the scope of the values of items in Ekleron in comparison to Earth just remove the decimal point (in US Dollar) from the value of any earthly item to get the value of the Ekleron equivalent of that item. -- Ex: An Earth item valued at $50.00USD is 5000 Dp in Ekleron for the same item. --

Game mechanics

As you will see from the character sheets listed below, each character's individual abilities will add to your versatility both in and out of combat. Many abilities will be dependant on the characters (you can have 4 in your party at one time) that are available in your party and you will need every character's individual ability to progress in the world of Ekleron.
Combat will take place both in the combat system and outside of combat, combining tactical mastery and raw muscle in one package. Many bossfights will take place both in and out of combat, and some will even be timed. The whole environment is yours to use against your opponents.

Other mechanics will be discussed as soon as they are ironed out.


« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 03:46:34 PM by Martin W. »
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Level 83
I am the Flux
Screenshots from the Tankentai Sideview Battlesystem (modified version) - (keep in mind that all characters you see in the screenshot except Villyr - the one at the bottom of the group - are temporary with temporary names and with RTP sprites until the real ones are made):

Character sheets

General Information
Name: Rusty Tokana
Nickname: N/A
Race: Anthro
Species: Red Fox
Age: 17 years
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Right
Description: He sports all of the traditional markings and physical characteristics of his race. His hair is wild and spiky and is a brighter hue of red compared to the rest of his red-orange body. His eyes are more or less emerald green. He stands just under 6 feet tall.
Personality: Rusty is very reserved to himself around strangers to hide his adventurous nature and high spirit. He is funny, outgoing, and very playful around friends, often pulling tricks on them for fun (he pulls the bigger ones for people who are down and need a laugh). He can be very curious about the smallest of things and often departs from his group just to find out about it. This often gets him and his group into all sorts of trouble. It doesn't happen often, but Rusty can be quick to anger when the right buttons are pressed. This sometime makes him appear short tempered. In a fight, he stays towards the back, avoiding head-on confrontations, and does whatever he can with ranged attacks and field conditions to support his allies, normally looking for ways to cripple or hinder the enemy. That’s not to say he can’t hold his own in a battle, because he can. He’s quick and agile but isn’t built to do or take a lot of damage, which is why he relies on his dagger and magic to add special attributes to his attacks.
History: Rusty lives in the town of Asper with a friend of his father's, a Cartographer named Jollanel. This whole arrangement was mainly Rusty's desperation to move away from the city to explore the ever changing forests around Asper at the base of the Astrainian Mountains. Within the two, almost three years that he's been living in Asper with Jollanel, Rusty met his best friend Akari and had learned more about Anthro magic and the stones that revolve around it from self-observation than he thinks if he would have stayed in the city. From time to time he communicates with his family in Dol Kardath; mostly through hand written letters because most of Asper isn't connected to the internet.
Clothing: He wears shoes that coincide with human tennis shoes; pants, normally somewhat baggy jeans; any dark, cool colored tee-shirt; a tan colored field jacket with a thin, removable maroon liner that is armless and has a hoodie; and an arrowhead necklace made from red tiger's eye.
Equipment: His best, and most favored, peace of equipment is his recurve bow that rests strapped on his back. His arrow quiver is strapped on the right side of his belt. He also has a dagger that is strapped to the his belt on his left side. The dagger is about 24 inches long overall with a 17 inch long blade. The blade on Rusty's dagger is about twice as wide as a normal dagger. It is designed to be able to both cut and stab effectively.
Ability Information
---Genotype: m^F m^F
------Elements: Fire
---Stones: Red tiger's eye arrowhead necklace. Rusty has a habit of always making sure that his necklace is charged.
---Techniques: Flame Palm - Palm ignites. Anything touched is burned.
Fire Weapon - Gives the added effect of fire to his arrows or dagger through the Flame Palm technique but at the fingers instead of the whole palm. The weapons are coated with a sticky oil to help ignite only the specific areas.
Flame Dart - The element is focused and channeled more than it needs to be at the hands. This allows Rusty to shoot small flame projectiles over a set distance depending how much more fire he channels to his hand.
Wil-o-wisp - An orb of flame that is held in the hand. It's mainly use as a light source because of it's large area of illumination. The size of the orb can be adjusted to change the area that's illuminated to fit the desired size. If enough focus is used on the orb, Rusty can throw it, causing it to mimic a temporary flare.

General Information
Name: Jollanel
Nickname: N/A
Race: Anthro
Species: Cougar
Age: 51
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Ambidextrous
Description: A tall and strong cougar Anthro who’s gray fur around his muzzle, fingers, and feet show his age. He keeps himself clean and well kept when outside of jobs. Because of this his fur has been able to grow over any scars; his pattern doesn’t break.
Personality: He knows his age and the influence he can have on the younger generations. He shares his wisdom with others, but he is young at heart, so he does so in a sarcastic and playful matter sometimes. His sarcasm isn’t reserved for just the younger crowd.
History: Not much of his past is known and he keeps a tight lid on it. All that is known by most is that his past has granted him with an incredible amount of training in his magic and combat skills, though his age is slowly taking it's toll. Only some know about his ties with the leaders of the trials.  
Clothing: Loose-fitting, light earth toned shirt with slightly wider sleeves than normal that end just past his elbows and pants with legs that end halfway down his shins. Both are made from natural materials like wool and cotton. A long vest that splits at the tail. A leather belt.
He has bandages wrapped around his wrists, forearms, ankles, and shins. He considers these as normal clothing.  
Equipment: Bandages wrapped around his wrists, forearms, ankles, and shins for support in combat. A leather pouch hung off of his belt that is kept full of various small supplies.  
Ability Information
---Genotype: m^A m^E
------Elements: Air and Earth
---Stones: Two green jasper stones embedded on his belt at 2 and 10 o'clock (12 o'clock being the front/belt buckle)
---Techniques: Air Ball - A ball of air about the size of a golf ball is formed and pelted at a target. Many can be generated at a time. (Offense, Passive)
Air Blast - An improved version of Air Ball. Size of the ball is increased to the size of a dodge ball. Only one can be generated at a time. (Offense)
Spire - Creates a waist high spire of rock withing a set area around Jollanel. (Offense, Defense, Passive)
Wall - An improved version of Spire. Creates a wall of compressed spires within a set area around Jollanel. The amount of rock naturally causes the technique to reach higher than the Spire technique. (Offense, Defense, Trapping)
Stone Shower (Combo - Spire & Air Blast) - Jollanel creates a weakly structured spire and casts Air Blast a point blank rang on it, shattering it and showering the forward area. (Offense)
Beat (Combo - Wall & Air Ball or Air Blast) - Jollanel creates a wall behind a target, fleeing or not, and pelts many Air Balls or one Air Blast at it and against the wall. (Offense, Trapping)


General Information
Name: Akari LaKoth
Nickname: N/A
Race: Anthro
Species: Timber Wolf
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Right-handed, but he often appears to be ambidextrous.
Description: Brown fur on the top side of his body, meaning the top of his head, the top of his back, and the top of his tail. The majority of his body is grey, except for the underside of his body, meaning a white chest, and the insides of his arms, legs, and the fronts of his hands, and chin are white, along with the bottom of his tail. He also has a yellow X-shaped scar on his left cheek right at the border between the grey and white areas of his face.  He stands at exactly six feet tall.
Personality: Calm, cool, somewhat reserved towards strangers, but open around friends.  In disputes between those he knows, he's the diplomat in a lot of those situations. However, he can be commanding and stern when the situation calls for it, and can be very dangerous when provoked, although it is not always easy to provoke him.  Plus, he is quite fond of traveling, and will sometimes go out of his way to see a place he's never seen before.  When fighting, he's more on the aggressive side, and is usually the one to charge towards an enemy first.
History: Other than the fact that he was born and raised in Asper, and that he lives with his single mother, he's not really one to tell that to just anyone. "For the most part," he would say, "it's rather uninteresting." He'll say a little about how he got the scar on his cheek, but he won't go further into detail than "I got into a fight, and my opponent got a bit lucky."  The full story (only Rusty, Jollanel, and Akari's mother know about this) is here:  http://wolf-blades6.deviantart.com/art/Origins-of-a-Scar-81753633
Clothing: He wears long, khaki-colored cargo pants, a tee-shirt with an unbuttoned plaid shirt (either blue, white, or black) made with a light fabric worn over the tee-shirt.
Equipment: Two European style longswords that he carries strapped to his back in an X-shape, and a throwing knife he carries in his pocket.  He sometimes, when he feels it's really necessary, will wear kevlar armor.  This only happens when he believes that he will be shot at, which is not often.
Ability Information
---Genotype: m^A m^F
------Elements: Air and Fire
---Stones: A silver-colored ring with a rectangular Onyx stone on it.
---Techniques: Matchlight - Akari snaps his fingers, and a small flame appears on his index finger.
Air Pressure - His most powerful ability.  Akari can increase or decrease the pressure of the air in any given area. As far as he knows, it only works on indoor areas, and the ability is magnified greatly when his hands block off the atmospheric pressure around the area.
Breeze - Akari holds out his palm, and wind is eminated from it. It is not very powerful, as it only has enough speed to scatter papers, but it is often used to distract unsuspecting people.  It can sometimes be amplified to a somewhat stronger gust when he exerts more energy with magic stored in his Onyx stone, but that's  only powerful enough to scatter a leaf pile.


General Information
Name: Sissmuth
Nickname: N/A
Race: Anthro
Species: Lizard
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Right
Description: Is physically built and well-muscled, as to properly represent his magical element and species. Being from a small village in Valter, where it's customary for males to wear no shirt, but a cloak, he has a small collection of tribal tattoos on his chest, back, and even on one side of his face. He has golden-brown scales with a tannish underside, a thick tail, and a small crest that runs down the back of his neck.
Personality: Anyone who sees Sissmuth at first glance may be misguided by his firm stance and unwaivering expression, but like many lizardfolk, he's very curious about things and always enjoys any new experience that comes his way. He only really gets mad when he's bored -- to him, being bored is the worst feeling there is. Despite his desire for the unknown, he always thinks critically [sometimes too critically] and its cautious at all times. When he's enthralled in something, he usually doesn't like to be bothered.
History: Comes from a small village in Valter [the desert land]. After he passed his trials, a great state of unrest fell upon him. For the longest time, Sissmuth has looked forward to proving himself and now that he has his tribal tattoos to declare him successful, he finds himself at a loss of what to do next. Unable to take his monotonous life as a Proven One any longer, he now travels the world in search of adventure and a life in strange new lands he'd only dreamed of.
Clothing: Has a sash and worn pants tattered at the knee from walking so much [He's a lizard, he can handle it]. He's not one to flaunt, so his cloak covers up most of his body and has a hood if need-be. He also has a wristband on each arm.
Equipment: B? staff embellished at one end with beads and feathers collected from his home village.
Ability Information
    ---Genotype: m^E m^E
    ------Elements: Earth
    ---Stones: Two yellow topazes fixed into his left and right wristbands; one usually serves as a back-up, however
    ---Techniques:Stalagmite - Sharpened pillars of rock needle up from the ground, potentially impaling foes or trapping them.
Initiate Clay/Stone Golem - A servant of stone or clay is created using a portion of the summoner's life force. The more life force is poured into the golem, the more powerful it becomes, but the weaker the summoner becomes as well. A Clay Golem is able to mold any part of itself into any desired form or melee weapon; has high attack but low defense. A Stone Golem has a fixed form, but uses its sheer mass as its own weapon and is capable of lifting heavy obstacles; has low attack but high defense. In addition, Golems are not very intelligent and always require an external life force to survive. They can be un-summoned when not needed.
Geokinesis - Small chunks of earth can be moved about, thrown,  and manipulated to the user's will.
Magnetize - A temporary electromagnetic field is manifested around the user. It can draw stones forward to latch on to Sissmuth's body, creating a highly effective armor; however, rock armor makes the user slow-moving and amble. If more focus is put into this skill, the electromagnetic field can distort radio waves and precision devices commonly employed by humans.
Earth Feel - As lizards really can do such a thing, this skill amplifies the kinetic vibrations traveling through the ground, which the user then 'reads' to detect the movement of distant objects or people.


General Information
Name: Cyrus
Nickname: N/A
Race: Anthro
Species: Raccoon
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Right
Description: A passionate student of magic hailing from Asper. He is on a quest to reunite with someone with whom he shares a powerful and curious bond, one that drives him in his pursuit of the arcane and of higher purpose seeming just within sight. He is 6' 2", and thin, grey in color with a black striped tail. His head also has a black mark that runs down the center of his forehead and circles his eyes giving the appearance of sunglasses. His eyes are deep blue and normal set. Cyrus fights with two short swords as his guard, focusing on using air techniques to defeat his opponents. He rarely uses the swords in attack and is not a very skilled melee fighter, but can hold his own and defend himself fairly well using an entirely defensive sword technique.
Personality: Cyrus is quite friendly in nature and is not one to make enemies. An idealist believing in the potential of good, he finds any progress or act towards harmony incredibly refreshing and inspiring. Those who know him know he is highly philisophical and usually in a contemplative state of mind. Because of this he can be charismatic and outgoing one minute and seem quiet and introverted the next. However, he is never unapproachable and is usually alert and in a good mood. Beyond the appearance of being relaxed, Cyrus is actually a bit worrysome. He is often hesitant and can over analyze things easily.
    If there is anything he hates it is bigotry and selfishness. He also has difficulty tolerating those who have a blatant superiority complex and avoids such people to prevent ridiculous conflict, though will gladly put them in their place if his intelligence or his friends are challenged. Cyrus is very patient, but when he reaches a certain point he has a tendency to be vengeful or to rant tirelessly. He is extremely intelligent and rather clever, making him funny and quick witted. In his spare time he researches and experiments with magic, and charges his stone. His friends may sometimes be annoyed when he refuses to join in a game or activity, instead retreating to his studies and experimentation. He is obsessed with his magic, which is what allows him to use the skills that he has now, due to the large amount of free time he sacrifices developing his skills.
History: When he was twelve years of age his mother, a mysterious sage, left the house on "important matters" and never returned. His father, a blacksmith specializing in Anthro weaponry continued raising Cyrus with little knowledge as to his wife's location and reason for leaving. She said she would come back someday "when the storm calms and the wind blows west". She left Cyrus with a crystal necklace in the shape of bird wings, identical to her own stone, and it posseses a strange power that other magical stones do not: as long as the wearer of the other necklace is alive, it glows with a white light. Cyrus's stone has been illuminated ever since his mother's departure, meaning that she exists and survives somewhere in the world. Cyrus is motivated to pursue air magic in hopes of following in his mother's footsteps and finding her, as well as finding a place in the world of the arcane arts. He has been training his talents with a village seer and studying extensively on his own. He also has been learning defensive fighting techniques from his father.
Clothing: dark green pants and long sleeved shirt, both fairly loose. Has a white cape that he wears over his clothing. Brown leather boots. Two sheaths, one at each hip.
Equipment: Whispering Wings (crystal necklace), two steel short swords, a wallet and a small book on magic.
Ability Information
---Genotype: m^A m^A
------Elements: Air
---Stones: Whispering Wings: this crystal can be accessed a little bit quicker than others, allowing Cyrus to use spells slightly faster than average. It holds an average amount of energy. Cyrus makes a point to keep it charged in case he is attacked, allowing him to use his abilities quickly to avoid dangerous time spent charging with the hands.
---Techniques:Whirlwind - Creates a small vortex and throws it toward a target. It doesn't do any damage but can kick up a lot of dust and be rather disorienting. Cyrus is trying to amplify its strength to where it will be an offensive technique.
Air rope - A time consuming spell due to the complicated manipulation of a small amount of air. A thin, wire-like tornado spins out from Cyrus's hand, slowly elongating to reach a target. It is used to pick up small objects from a distance and pull them back toward Cyrus in a spiral. If anything gets in its way it is easily broken off.
Wind bomb - A concentrated ball of air builds between Cyrus's hands and can be thrown, exploding on contact. If charged with a large amount of energy it can throw an opponent back a good couple yards as well as completely disorient them.
Wind bolt - Cyrus uses a large amount of energy to fire a super quick dart of air from his hand, piercing its target like a dagger. However, it is not yet powerful enough to go through most armor, and doesn't often penetrate leather. Range = three meters
Gust - A strong gust is propelled towards a target, often causing disorientation.
Small levitate - Constant air pushes a small object up one foot from Cyrus's hand. This is usually used as a trick to impress humans.
Clear - Cyrus holds both hands up to both sides of his head and controls the air around it, functioning as a filtering bubble in case of toxic gas. If Cyrus drops his hands or uses another technique, the spell breaks instantly.
Gust Blade - Cyrus's swords become charged with a small amount of wind energy, causing enemy weapons to be deflected more easily on contact, blowing them back a bit. Inneffective against large swords but can occasionally disarm an opponent using a small weapon, if used correctly. Since Cyrus doesn't know too many offensive spells at this point, he usually activates Gust Blade to defend himself.


General Information
Name: Oden
Nickname: N/A
Race: Human
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Dominant Side: Right
Description: Oden is an ex-military elite from the city of Desdon. Oden was part of an elite private army named Maiesta and he has been enlisted in Maiesta since the age of 18, working his way up to be a Colonel in the field of Spec Ops with command over his own squadron. However, Maiesta has been hired by the ASRH. Oden rejects the morals and views of the ASRH and openly protests its anti-anthro activities. Oden is a quirky, very caring, and a father like figure; however he tries to hide this due to traumatic experiences during combat (explained later). Oden is 6’3, heavily tanned, with a very tough and muscular build. His head is shaved bald due to an ingrained habit from the military. Oden excels in firearm combat. He has earned his “expert” in every class that is available in Maiesta, except for sniper. His preferred weapons of choice are sub machine guns, sharpshooting rifles, and pistols. Oden is also competent in the level of hand to hand combat taught to special ops members. However, all of this is offset by other areas: He is very inexperienced and is very awful at the art of swords. Also, he cannot understand magic in any form; he simply cannot wrap his head around it. Besides the fact that he is human and can’t use it anyways, this leads to him having difficulty when trying to plan tactics for combat with magic wielders, and also puts him in the unknown while fighting magic wielders face to face.
Personality: Oden is very friendly and caring, and treats his comrades like they are his own children. He was often reprimanded for becoming too emotionally attached to his soldiers. He has a very strong sense of trust, which often gets him in trouble with dishonest people. Oden has a core drive to always do what he feels is the moral thing to do, he never accepted missions that he felt were inappropriate or unnecessary, or if they contradicted with his moral standings. Oden places a high value on the lives of his comrades, but also his enemies. He has always been a very quirky individual. He has odd routines and habits, as well as often thinking out loud and talking to himself. He is very... “crafty” as a result of his lack of home, he is able to manufacture useful items out of otherwise worthless junk. Oden has a very generous nature despite his very poor financial situation (or lack thereof), and is always willing to help anyone who needs it. Oden only takes a life if it is necessary for the success of the mission, or for the survival of him and his men. If non-lethal force is an option, he always tries this before resorting to lethal force. However, he is emotionally distraught due to the loss of all his soldiers, and the disappearance of his son, this causes him to be outwardly awkward towards others due to his conflict of emotions.
History: Oden joined Maiesta at 18. He is an orphan, raised in a Desdonian orphanage. Because of his friendly nature he was very much accepted by the other orphans, but for no known reason he was never adopted. At 18, he was legally allowed to leave the orphanage. He decided to join the military as a way to start his life with a sound foundation and to start earning money and an education for himself. However, during his enlisting process, he discovered the anti-anthro policies of the ASRH and quickly withdrew his application. He then stumbled upon a newly founded private mercenary army named Maiesta. Maiesta was an overall better opportunity for him, and better fit his moral standings. He then discovered his natural talent in firearms and tactical combat and strategy. He quickly rose through the ranks and became a Colonel in the Spec Ops field at the age of 25. Here he was given the responsibility of managing his own squad. Oden carefully handpicked all the officers of his team. He took only those who were not only the best at their craft, but were best fit mentally and emotionally. Most importantly, he only took people who really needed the spot on his team for personal reasons like he had when he joined. The product of this was an 11 person team consisting of 8 men and 3 women, all of which Oden took time to get to personally know. He became a father to them, leading them through many personal issues as well as a being an extremely competent leader in Spec Ops operations. His squadron was nick-named O-Comp (short for Oden Company) and was famous in Maiesta for its great success in its missions. Oden was offered a surplus of promotions; however he had built too strong of a bond with his company and refused to leave them.
After leading his company through 11 years of flawless operations, he discovered distressing news. Maiesta was being forced to merge with the ASHR. Oden was faithful in his team and did not abandon them prior to the absorption. Instead, Oden and his team openly protested the actions of the ASHR and tried their absolute best to ignite a spark of reform, all to no avail. During this time period, Oden refused to activate his company for operations that he felt were immoral or unjust. This refusal went unpunished and unquestioned for around a year. Then on January 5th, O-Comp was deployed on what was supposed to be a POW rescue. Oden was given very few details on this mission, and had a bad gut feeling... but if he refused another mission, him and his loyal companions would be tried as traitors. (The following would normally be revealed later in the story’s progression, but for the sake of the co-writers’ understanding in this RP, I will post the story here. It is core to Oden’s current position, his personality, everything, so I think it will eliminate confusion before it can start. )

-During the operation, Oden ordered 6 of his units to enter the lone standing farm house where the POW was being held. As his team was invisibly approaching the farm house, Oden and the remaining units split up and set up a perimeter, keeping a very close watch on the house. Oden’s intel had told him there would be little resistance, but he was always fond of being over prepared. As his 6 men crept closer to the barn, all of their communications were cut. Oden knew right away that this couldn’t have been the work of the hostage holders, but he was too late. The farm house exploded in a massive ball of fire that covered an acre. Guns starting roaring in the night from all directions, Oden sprinted to the location of his nearest comrade, barely dodging rounds intended for him. He repeatedly cried out to his comrades over his com, even though he knew it was cut. Oden regrouped with only 3 of his men, they were surrounded from all directions by a small army that had been completely invisible on his satellite scans he was provided with. The only option they had was to make a desperate run. In mid sprint, one of his soldiers took a burst of rounds that were shot at exactly the points where they didn’t have protective gear as if the shooter knew everything about their equipment. Although it went against all common sense he ordered his two remaining men to continue their dash as he rushed back to grab his fallen comrade. As soon as he lifted the soldier on his shoulders, a wall of force and heat threw him into the tree line. Utterly dazed and confused he fell into a small wash, and slipped into unconsciousness.
   Oden awoke sometime later, wounded, and stumbled around to find absolutely no evidence of the attack or his men. The only evidence he had was his own wounds. He was emotionally crushed at the loss of all his men, he limped around the attack site in hope that maybe one of his men had survived.... during this time, Oden had time to think about what had happened, as he thought it became blatantly obvious who had attacked. Every weapon he heard, every action he witnessed, every strategy that was used against him, was all ASRH. It had been the ASRH who had silenced his team, he knew it was...
Oden spent the next year in hiding from the ASRH, taking on the disguise of a homeless man, which wasn’t far from the truth. Oden had no chance of returning to his home, which had most likely been revoked. He carried everything he owned in his trench coat that he acquired from a generous rich man walking on the street who had noticed him shivering. Oden devoted himself to finding out exactly what happened to his loyal friends and comrades, and to avenge their deaths handed to them by the ASRH.
Clothing: Atop his head he usually carries his military grade NVHD goggles as one would carry sunglasses on top of their head. Oden wears a thick brown, but worn out, leather trench coat in which he stores his private arsenal of weaponry. Due to his experience, Oden is able to easily conceal several full sized weapons in his coat, concealed in a jumble of holsters that disappear in its shadows. Because Oden is AWAL and cannot return to his home, he literally lives out of his trench coat. He stores all his personal possessions in hand made pockets in the inside of his coat. These pockets are made with random articles of cloth; these makeshift pockets occupy the entire interior of his coat. He wears a tactical Kevlar suit that covers his torso to his thighs underneath all his clothing as a nervous precaution.
-G36KV (assault rifle) with an AG36 grenade launcher
- NVHD goggles (night and heat vision)
- Silenced MP3
- Two Desert Eagle pistols
-Several combat knives
-A large collection of extra clips and ammo shoved in the pockets and holsters of his outfit.
- A grenade strap including; fragmentation, flash, and smoke grenades.
- A seemingly random assortment of personal items that are stashed in his pockets.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 03:45:42 PM by Martin W. »
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Level 83
I am the Flux
(exceeded max character limit)

General Information
Name: Anayu De’Teirm
Nickname: n/a
Race: Anthro
Species: Dhole
Age: 18
Dominant Side: Ambidextrous
Description: She’s quite tall, ranging about 7ft in height and she appears to be quite physically strong, but one could probably not judge her strength accurately from how she looks (although she looks quite muscular). Her fur is red, but her chestfur (from her lower jaw, down the inner arms and thighs) is white.
Her eyes could reveal her as a strong-spirited person to those that can read such things, and her face is beautifully formed, although it's got the occasional ragged fur – perhaps she doesn't take good enough care of her fur.
Personality: Inwards and reserved, but often very determined. She’s not a person that could smile with ease. Anayu loves to use her magic, though, and is very passionate about training.
If she is confronted in a battle, she will usually fight back, but she rarely starts a fight. She prefers to fight from a distance, which is what she has specialized in, but she wouldn’t run from a melee fight if it would come to that. She would, however, try to gain some distance and then take care of her opponent from range.
She often uses her gender to get what she wants or to succeed in something.
History: Anayu was born in Desdon, but spent most of her life alone, as her parents died from disease. Noone had figured out what disease it was or why her parents were the only ones infected by it. This happened when she was six years of age, and she learned to live on her own quickly.
It did not take long for her to discover her magical ability and she began practicing her Terrakinetic power when she was seven. She wasn’t particularly familiar with the laws of Desdon at her age, but after she was caught once, she became more careful and picked her locations wisely. Not that she ever broke any law with that, though; she later learned that it happend only because people wanted her gone.

At the age of 12 she learned that she could store magical energy in gemstones and began looking for one that she could use. With money she had earned by doing small jobs, she bought a small emerald and within a few days, she had charged it and was using it. As the years passed, though, she decided that her current gemstone was not big enough to suit the energy requirement of her more powerful abilities, but she could not afford an upgrade. So when she was 14, she travelled out of Desdon to look for another type of gemstone to store her powers in. She never found herself looking back to Desdon, though she sometimes missed the city. She travelled to the mountains north of Aldo and stayed there for three years. She found herself another gemstone – a rather large one which was the about the size of 3/5 of her fist.
During those three years, she taught herself some very powerful – and dangerous Earth techniques. Some of them had great repercussions for herself, some had not, but that never really deterred her from practicing.
Three years later, on her way back to the area a little north of Desdon again, she stole a metal staff from a travelling merchant. She spent some time using her earth magic to form a handle of rock, and she imbued her gemstone in that handle.
A few days later, after her 18th birthday she found herself north of Desdon, a little less than a day’s march away. She sighed a little, looking toward Desdon’s direction for the first time in years, but she turned her back to it and began walking toward Asper. But noises in the distance had her hiding up in a tree.
There were a bunch of humans passing below her, heading toward Desdon. Apparently, they were in a hurry. Anayu frowned slightly.
She chose to rest in that tree for the night and then see what they were running from.
Clothing: Simple clothing. She is bare-footed and wears an earth-coloured piece of clothing strapped around her waist. It goes down in front of her legs and behind her legs, covering up the most important things, at least. She wears something that looks like bandages around her chest.
Equipment: A metal staff with a rock handle on the middle, imbued with a large gemstone.
Ability Information
---Genotype: m^E m^E
------Elements: Earth
---Stones: A large emerald
(all techniques requires Anayu to at least be able to move her arms and legs. Should she be incapable of doing so, her magic will be ineffective.)
Rock throw (offensive/defensive, lower level technique, effect occurs instantly) – Lifts a nearby rock into the air and hurls it forward. Energy requirement varies with the size of the rock. Can also be lifted straight up and not thrown as a defensive move.
Strength of Earth (beneficial, offensive/defensive, medium level, effect occurs 3 seconds after cast) – Increases the weight and the strength of the caster by pulling minerals from the earth to bind around her. This ability protects her from physical harm and some magical effects. While under the effects of this ability, the caster does not control the minerals bound around her body with her body movements, but with her mind. This means that the strength of her physical attacks are as strong as she wants them to be – but there are limits to that. If the strength of her attacks become more than her body can handle, she will risk breaking her own body in the process. Additionally, she cannot use this ability if she is not allowed to focus on maintaining it. Because of this, she can use no other skill while under the influence of Strength of Earth. This ability drains energy over time, and the more movements made under its influence, the more energy is required.
Rock Sphere (defensive, low level technique, effect occurs instantly) – The caster summons rocks from below the earth to shield herself in a sphere shape. Energy requirements depend on how long it is maintained, but initially it requires little energy. This ability can be used for preparation to perform a combo.
Rain of Stones (offensive, combo, low level technique, effect occurs instantly) – After protecting herself with Rock Sphere, the caster can begin shooting sharp rock spikes from the sphere. This skill weakens the sphere gradually until all of the Rock Sphere is consumed. This is a channeled technique that drains energy over time.
Earthbound (offensive-defensive, trap, low level technique, effect occurs instantly) – The caster attempts to trap her target with earth, raising it around the target, making it attempt to grab its limbs to immobilize it. Requires a medium amount of energy.
Fissure (offensive, high level technique, effect occurs 3 seconds after cast) – The caster invokes a fissure in front of her, covering about 30+ yards. The more energy spent increases the length of the fissure. This ability requires a high amount of energy to invoke and a medium amount of energy to enhance. Energy depletes over time as the skill is maintained.
Landslide (offensive/defensive/beneficial, high level technique, effect occurs 4 seconds after cast) – Allows the caster to push the ground below her in any direction, causing a landslide. She can use it to attack opponents, or she can use it to gain distance. She can also cause a landslide below herself to allow her to ”surf” on it for quick travels. This requires a low amount of energy to begin with, but requirement becomes larger as it is channeled.
Weapon of Earth (beneficial, medium level technique, effect occurs instantly) – Allows the caster to bend rock and other earthly minerals into the form of blunt melee weapons. This ability requires almost no energy.
Terrakinesis (beneficial, high level technique, effect occurs instantly) – Allows the caster to move minerals at free will without using a specific technique, such as rocks and the like. This ability does not require much focus, allowing her to use Terrakinesis with another ability to create a variety of combinations. This skill requires almost no energy, but it slowly depletes over time. Terrakinesis can be used to lift a very small area off ground level and move it freely about in the air, which is useful for travel. This ability can not be used offensively over long distances, as the effect weakens the further away the controlled item moves away from the caster. Lifting a piece of the land itself in this manner causes strain to the body and magical energy to deplete rapidly.
Earthquake (offensive, ultimate level technique, effect occurs 10 seconds after cast) – Anayu’s most powerful ability. It combines Terrakinesis, Landslide and Earthbound into one technique that takes hold of the earth plates far below the surface. Once this contact is achieved, Anayu’s body will become one with the Earth, allowing her movements to create earthquakes around her. This ability, however, is a two-edged sword. It uses up all energy inside the caster and inside the Gemstone to initiate and then feeds on the life energy of the caster, which – in Anayu’s case – will allow it to last a maximum of 7 seconds before it must be stopped. Overuse of this ability will kill the caster. Additionally, once the effect ends, the body will be immobilized for a varying amount of time, leaving the caster vulnerable.
Rock Fists (beneficial, low level technique, effect occurs instantly) – The first thing Anayu usually casts when going in a close-range battle. It causes rock to form around her feet up to her thighs and around her hands up to her elbow, protecting those parts of her. It also adds weight to her, making her hit harder at the cost of some agility. Requires little energy.


General Information

Name: Villyr C. Langston

Nickname: “Tinkerbell”

Race: Human

Species: Homo Sapiens

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Dominant Side: Ambidextrous (trained)

Description: Villyr isn't particularly tall; about 5ft67 in height. She isn't particularly muscular either; wearing her outfit which is made out of a light, yet very powerful metal doesn't exactly develop many of them. Her hair is red and her eyes are somewhat dark in colour, maybe a deeper shade of brown.

Personality: Patient and examining, this engineer has specialized in assessing situations and act accordingly. She is rarely the one you'd find in the middle of a battle; she'd rather stay a bit to the side, hurriedly building contraptions and other things out of the equipment she has available to help her allies.
That does not mean that she's a fierce – and merciless fighter, though... when necessary.

But she is kind by nature, although she prefers to hide it (she refers to it as a “weakness she can live without”) behind a facade of sarcasm, bemusement, her gadgets, snappy remarks and wit.

When she fights, she uses her fists and her variety of gizmos, grenades, her tranquillizer, etc. She often combines the use of fist-fighting and grenades as well. For instance, a very common tactic for her is to throw a sticky grenade when she is in close-range, gain some distance and then toss an explosive grenade.

History: Villyr C. Langston lived her entire life in Desdon, from birth to present time. She began developing an interesting in mechanics and technology around her 7's, after which it only escalated into an obsession. She began developing radical new items for herself such as her poison grenades (which, when she was 12, were unheard of before).

As she became 17, a man called Bruni had found interest in her talent, so he contacted her the year later and offered her a place to work in. It was in a store called “Antiques Sales and Retail Homestore”, and they were in need of someone with her talent to keep the machinery working. He explained to her that in the basement of the store, they were building a modern storage facility. Villyr happily accepted.

In any case, she designed the cellar underneath the store – which had several floors – and surveyed the building of it, which would take nine years to complete.
Some time after its completion, she was casually strolling through the new metal walls as she overheard two employees speak.
“You know, Bruni does have a point. Those half-animals; they scare me. Their magic is dangerous too – proven time and time again.” one said.
The other one, a woman, agreed.
“Yes, I know. I once caught this anthro cub practicing earth magic behind my house the other day. She resembled a fox, but not entirely. I looked it up and later found that she was a Dhole. In any case, I yelled at her and then called the guards. But by the time they arrived, she had already fled.” she said.
Villyr listened closely to this.
“Yeah. Bruni has made an organization to protect us from the anthro threat. I'm going to join.” the other one said.
“I think I will too.”

Villyr pondered this; she had also seen the anthros and their magic. It also scared her that they had so much power.

She ended up joining the ASRH and becoming one of their top engineers. On order of Bruni, she redid the entire cellar into a high-technology headquarters for the ASRH. In one of the wings, she designed a facility that allowed them to grow plants and food, using specialized sun-lamps and nutrients bought from stores around Ekleron which were transported to them through underground tunnels. She also created a water recycling system, and this made them almost self-supplied, meaning that none would catch on to what was going on under the antiques store. For surely, buying tons of supplies for the workers that lived under it when the store was so little in comparison would seem suspicious.

She also designed the containment contraptions which captured anthros would be held in at a later point.

Nine more years passed and Villyr was taking a stroll through the city. She noticed the dolphin anthro and his friend being pushed aside by one of the ASRH propaganda-boys, chased by guards. She saw how the wolverine anthro stopped him.
She had just prepared a grenade for the dolphin, but when she saw him move closer toward the guards – which were both human – she put it back in a pocket.

Days passed before the fateful turn of events below the store would take place. Villyr was monitoring the security cameras and computer systems in the underground facility when the alarm went off in the largest room; the anthro extraction wing.
She looked at the screen linked to the surveillance camera and watched as a door was blasted open by a giant, fiery phoenix. Two anthros entered the room, but she also noticed that there were two other anthros there before them; a dolphin and a wolverine. And Bruni!

She immediately began initiating the defense systems, but they didn't go off. In the system monitor, she could see that someone was hacking them, shutting down all defense mechanisms. The hacker had opened a chatwindow too, and it called itself “Anthro4U”. Villyr cursed loudly as she tried to toss him out of their systems, allthewhile ignoring the hacker's mocking in the chatwindow.
She didn't get that far. Loud explosions were heard through the facility and she looked at the surveillance monitor again; everything had begun falling apart.
Alarms went off everywhere in the building and water had begun to escape its wing, flooding the facility.

“Damn it!” she cursed, turning around, scurrying toward the emergency exit in the room. She knew she couldn't save anyone in the facility but herself now. And so she did.

She was lucky that she made it out; the whole store had begun collapsing with the ground below it. The only important thing to do now, however, was to escape the city.

Villyr made sure that she had all her equipment with her and nicked a car. She quickly made her way to the other side of the city, but there was a police blockade stopping her from driving out.
Cursing, she stopped the car and left it, hurrying to another part of the wall. A grenade later, she found herself running through the forest toward Asper.

Clothing: Villyr wears a rather peculiar outfit, even for a human. Atop her head (which has red hair) she carries a set of round protection glasses and she wears a semi-green, reddish suit with who-knows how many, rather bags attached to it. The suit itself seems to be full-body, with parts of it looking much like it is armoured – which it is. One can see hints of metal underneath the deceiving exterior, which does give off cloth or leather as a first impression. To her shoulders, she has a pair of shoulderplates attached to her, and she also wears strange gloves which could resemble something mechanical; they are made out of metal, but they are still very flexible, allowing her almost the same level of finger-dexterity as she would have without them. Right underneath the shoulderplates one can find the straps belonging to her cloak (which is also full of all kinds of pockets).
 There is also a gun-like device in a holster attached to her plated greaves. Those who knew her would recognize it as a tranquillizer.

(To get an idea of how she looks, I've included the sprite design she will have in the game:



- Tranquillizer

- Flash Grenades

- Poison Grenades

- Explosive Grenades

- Smoke Grenades

- Items that can be quickly assembled as small, mechanical devices and contraptions.

- Protection glasses, heat-sensitive

- Light, but powerful armour covered with a cloth/leather layer (which also has quite a few smaller bags sewn onto them.

- Flame Grenades (this grenade can be set to explode mid-air and fling fire forward, of explode when it hits something, sending fire in a pillar both
up and down)

- Sticky Grenades (have a guess)

- Incapacitating Grenade (when it explodes, it emits a high-pitched sound as it is destroyed, mostly targeted toward anthros)

- Shock Grenade (after activated, it takes 3 seconds to go off. It releases an electric impulse meant to cause temporary paralysis)

Script List
Scripts with * in front of them are modified from their original state to work better with the game.

Scripts with - in front of them are to be removed.

* Tankentai Sideview Battlesystem + ATB Addon (By Enu)

Enemy Animated Battler (By Kylock)

* Skill Animations (By Mr. Bubble)

Guns Action Sequence Addon 1.1 for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System (By Kylock)

* Enemy Equipped Weapons (By Mr. Bubble?)

Bow Attack Animation Sequence for RPG Tankentai SBS (By Mr. Bubble)

Default Scope Options Addon for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System (By Kylock & Mr. Bubble)

KGC Scripts

* LargeParty
* TitleDirection
- ScreenCapture
* MapLightening
- BattleCount2
* ExtendedEquipScene
* DayNight
- TilesetExtension
- CursorAnimation
- PlaceMission
- InterfaceForWin32API (To make it easier to run for programs such as Wine in Linux and Mac environments)
- FileEncryption2
- CompressSaveFile
* ContinueBGM
--end KGC--

* Light Effects VX 1.2 (by Kylock)

Dynamic Sound Emitting Areas/Events (VX) (By Modern Algebra)

Encounter Levels Script (By Modern Algebra)


These scripts have been carefully chosen by the team to give the game the visual effects it needs, the mechanics necessary for the world and a fair bit of realism. We do not expect many more scripts to be added, although we are still in need of an MP share script (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33392.0.html).


More information will be added as it becomes available.

Remember to follow the development here: http://ropdev.martinsgamegallery.net/#home

Eventual pre-ALPHA releases will be announced there. If you choose to play the pre-ALPHA, be aware that sometimes old men, flowers, stairs, doors and random elements on the map may be powerful enough to kill you, your group and the game client itself, so please also submit bug reports (I will open up a forum for that purpose soon).

« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 11:11:59 AM by Martin W. »
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Most Mature Member2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Best Veteran2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Wow, that's a lot of information. I would suggest reducing the amount of stuff you share with us, just to make it easier on the eyes :P Anyway, it looks like you've put a lot of effort into this game and I am looking forward to seeing where you go with this project.

Level 83
I am the Flux
Wow, that's a lot of information. I would suggest reducing the amount of stuff you share with us, just to make it easier on the eyes :P Anyway, it looks like you've put a lot of effort into this game and I am looking forward to seeing where you go with this project.

Reducing the amount? This is the summarized version + reduced info :p

Thank you for commenting, though!

Yeah, we are working hard to make it a reality; but as the topic I made in the RPGMaker Misc. (or whatever it's called) suggests, we are in need of some help to make it work!
But as soon as the artwork is covered, we should be out with the F&F ALPHA version (although the alpha will have a non-disclosure agreement with it) by the end of November (assuming we can get artists with us before the end of summer's vacation).
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Resource Artist
Level 94
Project of the Month winner for June 2009
Do you have any screenshots?

Also, a lot of this could be summarized more. Also, this (to me) doesn't look like a New project and you've clearly spent a lot of time working on this and figuring game mechanics etc, so I'm moving it to VX Projects.

Good luck :)

Level 83
I am the Flux
Do you have any screenshots?

Also, a lot of this could be summarized more. Also, this (to me) doesn't look like a New project and you've clearly spent a lot of time working on this and figuring game mechanics etc, so I'm moving it to VX Projects.

Good luck :)

Thank you. I'll look into it and see what I can summarize more.

Unfortunately, there are no screenshots yet. There will be as soon as we have something to show, though! The game is still a long way from the closed alpha release =]

The blog I linked to in the first post will probably be updated more frequently than this (pre-alpha test versions will also be released there and announced there exclusively).

If there's any interest for the closed alpha testing (which I hope to have ready soon), let me know! We'll be picking 10 testers in addition to our own friends and family (F&F alpha means that the 10 testers can distribute their alpha versions to their friends and family as well).
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Level 83
I am the Flux
I'm pleased to announce that we now have a pre-pre-alpha release up for initial testing of one of the bossfights.

You may download it here.

P.S: absolutely EVERYTHING is a placeholder in this build.
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

A Random Custom Title
Level 96
Do you have any screenshots?
I ask that, too. The amount of your story and plot and characters and stuff is MUCH better than one would expect, and that's good. That's also bad in that it's all just text. Some pictures here and there would have been nice. Like a profile for your characters or something.

Overall, the development and thought put into this is impressive, though.

I thought it was weird how the actual gems themselves are worth less than the paper with gems drawn on them, lol. It's your world, but... :P

Level 83
I am the Flux
Do you have any screenshots?
I ask that, too. The amount of your story and plot and characters and stuff is MUCH better than one would expect, and that's good. That's also bad in that it's all just text. Some pictures here and there would have been nice. Like a profile for your characters or something.

Overall, the development and thought put into this is impressive, though.

I thought it was weird how the actual gems themselves are worth less than the paper with gems drawn on them, lol. It's your world, but... :P

No screenshots yet. We'll have some ready in the near future, though! We'll also have concept art and character portraits Soon™.

The currency system in the world works much like the one we have in real-life. We get a lot of coins, but soon it is more convenient to trade them in for the same total value of the coins, only in paper form. Saves space =)
The Droplets aren't gems; they resemble gems. Their paper form is just for convenience; for the very same reason we use paper instead of coins IRL.
Their paper form, however, has a unique "ID" that the tills in the shops can read. There is going to be a mechanic in-game allowing you to make "fake" Papers which you can give to certain NPC's (and based on your luck, maybe save your real drops when making special purchases).

Soon™: Copyright 2004-2009 Lux Productions. All rights reserved. "Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and future. "Soon" shall make no contract or warranty between Lux Productions and the end user. "Soon" will arrive some day, Lux Productions does guarantee that "soon" will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on "soon" as Lux Productions will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at "soon."

« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 12:20:59 PM by Martin W. »
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Level 83
I am the Flux
Screenshots time!

At the moment, only from battle - map screenshots coming Soon™.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 06:48:40 AM by Martin W. »
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Level 83
I am the Flux
And a new character has been added (with her sprite!)

General Information

Name: Villyr C. Langston

Nickname: “Tinkerbell”

Race: Human

Species: Homo Sapiens

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Dominant Side: Ambidextrous (trained)

Description: Villyr isn't particularly tall; about 5ft67 in height. She isn't particularly muscular either; wearing her outfit which is made out of a light, yet very powerful metal doesn't exactly develop many of them. Her hair is red and her eyes are somewhat dark in colour, maybe a deeper shade of brown.

Personality: Patient and examining, this engineer has specialized in assessing situations and act accordingly. She is rarely the one you'd find in the middle of a battle; she'd rather stay a bit to the side, hurriedly building contraptions and other things out of the equipment she has available to help her allies.
That does not mean that she's a fierce – and merciless fighter, though... when necessary.

But she is kind by nature, although she prefers to hide it (she refers to it as a “weakness she can live without”) behind a facade of sarcasm, bemusement, her gadgets, snappy remarks and wit.

When she fights, she uses her fists and her variety of gizmos, grenades, her tranquillizer, etc. She often combines the use of fist-fighting and grenades as well. For instance, a very common tactic for her is to throw a sticky grenade when she is in close-range, gain some distance and then toss an explosive grenade.

History: Villyr C. Langston lived her entire life in Desdon, from birth to present time. She began developing an interesting in mechanics and technology around her 7's, after which it only escalated into an obsession. She began developing radical new items for herself such as her poison grenades (which, when she was 12, were unheard of before).

As she became 17, a man called Bruni had found interest in her talent, so he contacted her the year later and offered her a place to work in. It was in a store called “Antiques Sales and Retail Homestore”, and they were in need of someone with her talent to keep the machinery working. He explained to her that in the basement of the store, they were building a modern storage facility. Villyr happily accepted.

In any case, she designed the cellar underneath the store – which had several floors – and surveyed the building of it, which would take nine years to complete.
Some time after its completion, she was casually strolling through the new metal walls as she overheard two employees speak.
“You know, Bruni does have a point. Those half-animals; they scare me. Their magic is dangerous too – proven time and time again.” one said.
The other one, a woman, agreed.
“Yes, I know. I once caught this anthro cub practicing earth magic behind my house the other day. She resembled a fox, but not entirely. I looked it up and later found that she was a Dhole. In any case, I yelled at her and then called the guards. But by the time they arrived, she had already fled.” she said.
Villyr listened closely to this.
“Yeah. Bruni has made an organization to protect us from the anthro threat. I'm going to join.” the other one said.
“I think I will too.”

Villyr pondered this; she had also seen the anthros and their magic. It also scared her that they had so much power.

She ended up joining the ASRH and becoming one of their top engineers. On order of Bruni, she redid the entire cellar into a high-technology headquarters for the ASRH. In one of the wings, she designed a facility that allowed them to grow plants and food, using specialized sun-lamps and nutrients bought from stores around Ekleron which were transported to them through underground tunnels. She also created a water recycling system, and this made them almost self-supplied, meaning that none would catch on to what was going on under the antiques store. For surely, buying tons of supplies for the workers that lived under it when the store was so little in comparison would seem suspicious.

She also designed the containment contraptions which captured anthros would be held in at a later point.

Nine more years passed and Villyr was taking a stroll through the city. She noticed the dolphin anthro and his friend being pushed aside by one of the ASRH propaganda-boys, chased by guards. She saw how the wolverine anthro stopped him.
She had just prepared a grenade for the dolphin, but when she saw him move closer toward the guards – which were both human – she put it back in a pocket.

Days passed before the fateful turn of events below the store would take place. Villyr was monitoring the security cameras and computer systems in the underground facility when the alarm went off in the largest room; the anthro extraction wing.
She looked at the screen linked to the surveillance camera and watched as a door was blasted open by a giant, fiery phoenix. Two anthros entered the room, but she also noticed that there were two other anthros there before them; a dolphin and a wolverine. And Bruni!

She immediately began initiating the defense systems, but they didn't go off. In the system monitor, she could see that someone was hacking them, shutting down all defense mechanisms. The hacker had opened a chatwindow too, and it called itself “Anthro4U”. Villyr cursed loudly as she tried to toss him out of their systems, allthewhile ignoring the hacker's mocking in the chatwindow.
She didn't get that far. Loud explosions were heard through the facility and she looked at the surveillance monitor again; everything had begun falling apart.
Alarms went off everywhere in the building and water had begun to escape its wing, flooding the facility.

“Damn it!” she cursed, turning around, scurrying toward the emergency exit in the room. She knew she couldn't save anyone in the facility but herself now. And so she did.

She was lucky that she made it out; the whole store had begun collapsing with the ground below it. The only important thing to do now, however, was to escape the city.

Villyr made sure that she had all her equipment with her and nicked a car. She quickly made her way to the other side of the city, but there was a police blockade stopping her from driving out.
Cursing, she stopped the car and left it, hurrying to another part of the wall. A grenade later, she found herself running through the forest toward Asper.

Clothing: Villyr wears a rather peculiar outfit, even for a human. Atop her head (which has red hair) she carries a set of round protection glasses and she wears a semi-green, reddish suit with who-knows how many, rather bags attached to it. The suit itself seems to be full-body, with parts of it looking much like it is armoured – which it is. One can see hints of metal underneath the deceiving exterior, which does give off cloth or leather as a first impression. To her shoulders, she has a pair of shoulderplates attached to her, and she also wears strange gloves which could resemble something mechanical; they are made out of metal, but they are still very flexible, allowing her almost the same level of finger-dexterity as she would have without them. Right underneath the shoulderplates one can find the straps belonging to her cloak (which is also full of all kinds of pockets).
 There is also a gun-like device in a holster attached to her plated greaves. Those who knew her would recognize it as a tranquillizer.

(To get an idea of how she looks, I've included the sprite design she will have in the game:



- Tranquillizer

- Flash Grenades

- Poison Grenades

- Explosive Grenades

- Smoke Grenades

- Items that can be quickly assembled as small, mechanical devices and contraptions.

- Protection glasses, heat-sensitive

- Light, but powerful armour covered with a cloth/leather layer (which also has quite a few smaller bags sewn onto them.

- Flame Grenades (this grenade can be set to explode mid-air and fling fire forward, of explode when it hits something, sending fire in a pillar both
up and down)

- Sticky Grenades (have a guess)

- Incapacitating Grenade (when it explodes, it emits a high-pitched sound as it is destroyed, mostly targeted toward anthros)

- Shock Grenade (after activated, it takes 3 seconds to go off. It releases an electric impulse meant to cause temporary paralysis)
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Level 83
I am the Flux
If it's wrong of me to make a new post whenever I have updated the first three posts, please tell me - I'll stop.


Added a script list in the third post from the first.

These scripts have been carefully chosen by the team to give the game the visual effects it needs, the mechanics necessary for the world and a fair bit of realism. We do not expect many more scripts to be added, although we are still in need of an MP share script (http://rmrk.net/index.php/topic,33392.0.html).


Also: I am working on shortening the info provided in the first three posts! Please bear with me, though. I also have an exam to prepare for (Next Tuesday >: )
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 11:16:22 AM by Martin W. »
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
A Good Heart starts with a Good Mind.
Can't wait for screenshots,I may try it once it's out,but screenshots would be nice yes.

Level 83
I am the Flux
Wow, whaddya know?

Sorry, folks - the project has been a bit inactive due the lack of team members and the reworking of the soundtrack and some of the characters. That means that there's been no more development (I'm also still hoping that modern algebra will find time to help me with some custom scripts soon-ish).

Just letting you know, we're not dead. We're just busy.
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!

Commas save lives.


"Filmmusic needs to be more than just convenient." - Denny Schneidemesser