So, I don't have a project thread, nor do I plan on it for a while, but I thought it'd be sweet to show you what I plan on using for my Summons' CGI.
I have a working AVI player script and thus far works with this video. My plan, is to of course rid the video of it's current audio and input my own. Also spruce it up (and cut it up) a bit inside AfterEffects. All will happen in due time. But I was just kind of excited to show you guys what's up.
Also, yeah it is FF7CC Summons, but in my game, they're just renamed differently and there's proper credits and I should tell you that the game has nothing to do with a Final Fantasy game. I may not even use all of the summons in this video since I plan to have summon spells be extremely rare. Just something of a treat.