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Worldless Phantasy

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Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Drowning all in coldness Yuki!
Worldless Phantasy
(This is my first ever game I hope u enjoy it.)

Spoiler for Story:
Many years ago an egg existed in chaos. This Egg hatched and became Izanami the Goddess of life. She looked upon the darkness and was sadden. She shouted and stars and heavenly bodies erupted from chaos. She moved her hand and the bodies orbited around a bright star. She was happy with this. However she was alone amongst her stars and decided to make a sister Ama-no-Uzume. The two sisters  played together for ten thousand years but wanted more so they picked out one of their nice planets and made humans. They were happy with their creation and were happy for another ten thousand years. However soon humans began to forget them and no longer prayed to them. Thus the two sisters made a new race that had many forms and they were called the Yoma. The Yoma prayed and worshipped the sisters for many years never forgetting and so she blessed them with unlimited life. Humans became jealous as they were the sister first creations and deserved to have the same. So they began to kill ever Yoma they came across. Angered by the humans reaction the sisters separated the Yomas and the humans by making a world above the world of humans and giving it to the Yomas. It was called Hakurei. In Hakurei ever race of Yomas has a certain role and place. This system is called the Orsel Hierarchy system. It decides from birth what your job in society will be.  Doing this made life easier for the Yomas. Then on the human world she gave the Shi gate which would allow humans to see and visit their sibling race but never stay. The sisters then made a new race and called it the Lunaras a race that guide pure souls to the world of the Yoma. There they can receive the same unlimited life of the Yoma. To help their children called human know true peace the sisters gave them the Sister Tears a great tear that allowed the humans to communicate with the Goddesses. There were some Yoma who stayed behind and they fled to the mountains. They called themselves Dragonstrider as many could communicate with the dragons who lived in the caves in the mountain. They plan to fight their way to the Shi gate which is heavenly guarded from which they can go to their world. A girl name Haku is serving her mountain clan today by sabotaging the new king parade. Today is the anniversary of the founding of the planet Rumei monarchy and a young girl name Enma who lives in a shack alone is trying to steal food during the parade is about to learn who and what she is.


Spoiler for Enma:

Enma Ellis(N+ ma)
Weapon: Staff
Role: Beggar/Hakurei Princess/Vessal
Powers: Fire/Holy/Summon
Race: Oni
Personality: Enma is a quiet and introverted young girl, She has strange dreams at night of cities surrounded by water and draws it regularly. She is sneaky which is needed if she wishes to eat. Lately her dreams as gotten happier and is effecting her body causing her pain.

Spoiler for Palaza:

Palaza Saine(Paul+ aza)
Age: 17
Weapon: Lance
Role: Dragonstrider
Powers: Wind/Earth
Race: Devil
Personality: She is an enthusiastic and energetic young girl. Since from a young age she has trained for her role as a Dragonstrider. She is a amazing fighter and is best friends with Enma.

Spoiler for Haku:

Haku Tallas
Age: 16
Weapon: Sword
Role: Noble/Vessal
Powers: Water/Thunder
Race: Celestine
Personality: From a young age she has been training and preparing herself to be an Vessal as such she thinks her time in the military will be a good way to prepare for years of protecting Hakurei against the Human. She is high-spirited and is full of pride over her heritage though she is a bit of a ditz.
Spoiler for Kallista:

Kallista Clieon(Call+list+a)
Age: 30
Weapon: Gun
Role: Vessal
Powers: Darkness/Non Elemental
Race: Magi
Personality: Quiet and calm she never seems to get nervous or scared. The king asked her to go along to protect Enma and she takes her duty seriously. She was the first to become Vessal and one of Hakurei strongest Absolutes.

Races of Hakurei
In Hakurei Yomas come in different styles. This effected their looks, strength etc. This also effects the roles.
The races are:

Named because they can read the stars for accurate and error free future reading. Most live over two thousand years. Most are hard to understand and love to play jokes on people that no one seem to understand. Celestine usually have to role of oracle. They have bunny ears but most have the ability to hide them and are sensitive about them.

Named so because most have horns. They are strong warriors and have a ability called berserk that make them indestructible during battle. If angered they are known to destroy everything within a fifty mile radius. This is why there is a designated spot that they are allowed to be in. Devils are usually Knights.

Dolls are called so because they look like the toys only human size.
They have powers of fear making a person see illusions of their worst fear. and it is not a good thing to make them mad.
Most dolls are always near a controller a person they trust who linked mentally with them. As most of them don’t talk their controllers usually speak for them. Doll are usually gatherers of information and can tell you what is going on anywhere.

Names so because they have insect like wings. The Fae have the ability to effect the weather. They can make it twenty below in the middle of summer if they want to. The also have to power of the gate. The gate is a way to travel fast between each section of Hakurei. They like to take and hide things that belong to others. They are the infiltrators and priest/priestess.

Ghost are Yomas with the abilities to phase through matter and become invisible. While they are living some have been known to come back to life once killed. They like to scare people and do not like changes. A special part of Hakurei was given to them for their work in the land wars. They are the spies of Hakurei.

That’s right humans. Some humans did not agree with the way the Yoma were treated so defected from Rumei and came to live in Hakurei. They are fun loving similar to hippies. They are a farmers, and producers of most needs such as atoms which powers the buildings. They also received the Goddesses blessing

Kitsune are Yoma that are part fox that are made to be appealing to all creatures, lure them in and kill them. They are witty and have a dry sense of humor. They love to break hearts and are players to be honest. Most Kitsune run bordellos or love hostels. Others are entertainers.

They have the ability to alterate the world around them. Similar to witches and wizards. They spend their time studying the world and the arts that they created. They are geeks and study hard on all subject thus to understand the things around them. They are sages or scientist of Hakurei. They travel around using broomsticks.

Shikigami are controllers of death with a touch they can take a life or restore it. They know what lies beyond the afterlife. Most are shy and hardly ever talk unless there is something important to say. Many use their abilities to help those who do not wish to die yet for an extremely large price. They are very rich.

These Yomas who are similar to cats as they share features such are ears, eyes, tail, and whiskers. The older they get the more tails and power they acquire. Using their singing voice that can control a person a aria could make a person dance whether they want to or not. A dirge will kill a person.

They are amazingly strong, and indestructible Yoma. They are like magi as they study magic. Oni are generally jolly and love to drink, feast, and compete with humans in any kind of contest, from simple physical fighting to drinking games. They are the closest things to Gods in Hakurei besides the Vessals and most get chosen to become Vessals. They look like normal humans only with great strength, power, and telepathy.

Vampires are blood drinkers yet mostly drink from animals unless a human give permission. They are sensitive to the sun but will not burst into flames. They are known to enjoy human food from time to time. They are usually self-centered, enjoy provoking strangers, and aren't terribly nice to acquaintances.
They command great power, but daylight weakens them. Actually, lots of things weaken them: garlic, silver, wooden stakes, pickled veggies, patience, you name it. In spite of all that, they tend to be troublesome to handle.
Most vampires are members of aristocratic families or are otherwise extremely wealthy.


In Hakurei anyone can learn anything as long as they are willing to go to school and study it. Skills and abilities are all learned this way. Below are the studies:

Art of War(Swords/Lances)

Cartography(Map Reading)

Magic Studies

Alteration: ability to change, often radically, the structure and composition of any object. Conjuration: this School allows its pupils to summon servants to do their bidding.
Destruction: this School is concerned with the purely destructive capabilities of magic as is evident in a spell like Fire.
Illusion: this School works with magic in its capacity to camouflage, illuminate or obscure without changing an object's structure.
Mysticism: this School experiments with the most arcane aspects of magic and expanding these "accidents" into a useful if eclectic range of spells. Because the forces being manipulated by Mysticism are dangerous and unknown, the spell effects are purposely specific.
Restoration: this School is devoted to the salubrious and soothing powers of magic.


The Study of Fury 101
The Study of Fury 102
The Study of Fury 103
The Study of Fury 104

The Study of Music
The Study of Dance


Spoiler for Dragonstriders HQ:

Spoiler for The poor schoolgirl name Enma:

Spoiler for Being taught the parade route:
(So you know the best route to reach the Shi Gate)

Spoiler for Parade 2:
At the start right before parade start

Spoiler for Town called Taro:

Battle Systems

All fighting take place in the battle zone it a magic zone which keep people on the outside safe from the two parties attacking. Once a party wins the zone dissipates.

Screen shots

Spoiler for The Battlezone:
This is where battles are fought

Spoiler for Dowsing:
This is the ability to call upon the Gods. Izanami visited Enma in a vision and gave her the ability.

Spoiler for Gods:
The Goddess appears Yuki striking the soldiers

Ringo's Final Fantasy Summons(Here is how they look in action: Summons)
Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP: By Cairn
Universal Messaging System: By Ccoa
Ending Credits Script: By  Emily_Konichi 
FF8 Battle Report: by Prexus
Theme song: Mizu no Madoromi by Origa
Many Different People including Sithjester for charsets
Monkeydlu(I saw the beginning movie of his game and was amazed so made my own but did not know how to make the bars and could not find a diff flower field and waterfall so i borrowed from his game. If you do not want me to use these four pics lemme know and I will remove.)

By the way if anyone good at charset making could u turn my character pics into charsets.

Level 85
I am the wood of my broom
2010 Project of the YearProject of the Month winner for January 2010Project of the Month winner for January 2009Project of the Month winner for April 2010
As I feared Touhou characters renamed =_=
You might want to change them unless you want raging Touhou fans kill you.

Also monkeydlu didn't own the graphics and stuff so don't worry.

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
 :facepalm: Oh god no ~

The cave screenshot is good but when I scrolled and saw the rest, I got that tingly sensation when I see bad mapping.

& why Touhou? >___< And the sprites, just don't go well with them  ~

pokeball JAPOfflineFemale
I used to know nothing
Level 89
The town mapping is no-no. >_< At least in that screenshot.

Level 96
2013 Best ArtistParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Game Creator (Non-RM Programs)~Bronze - GIAW 9Project of the Month winner for December 2009Project of the Month winner for August 20082011 Best Game Creator (Non RM)Gold - GIAW Halloween
the sudden influx of Touhou onto this forum is unsettling.

I'm never an advocate of using someone else's character designs for your game, so don't take it as bias against Touhou or your game, but I really wouldn't use those designs.

and yeah...I'd work on that mapping.
a lot.

edit: also, any particular reason you decided to spell Fantasy the same way they do for Phantasy Star?

FCF3a A+ C- D H- M P+ R T W- Z- Sf RLCT a cmn+++ d++ e++ f h+++ iw+++ j+ p sf+
Follow my project: MBlok | Find me on: Bandcamp | Twitter | Patreon

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Drowning all in coldness Yuki!
No I did not have a reason to use Phantasy instead of Fantasy I just liked using that instead of the true spelling.

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
Go Mog Knights!
I have a minor criticism...

In the cave screenshot, the main height is 4 units, however when you look at the higher section it is 3 of the ground and then 3 more from the wall. This is incorrect because you show them as equal in height, but 3 + 3 does not equal 4.

Rep: +0/-0Level 83
I <3 SuperHero Holk :)
Story: I find the backstory very amusing, but it needs to be typed better. It sounds like you have the idea in your head, but you are not projecting it through your project, a mistake that is seen a lot. Your characters, as a group, sound very cliched and sound like a typical group I would see in a game. You have a nice layout though, and your additions such as the races and whatnot are good. (:

Graphics: You fall flat on your face on this one. Your maps are boring and dont have enough variety and detail. You also use way too much symetrical mapping, and it looks bad. Try to add more randomness to your maps. (:

Other: I would say you are in the developing stages, and you dont break any boundaries yet. Your mapping is bad and your characters need some work, but with this work will  come great rewards, as you have a nice and unique concept that will surely take you somewhee if executed properly. (: