There is a problem with the jump. You can jump over some walls...
Easily solved, I think... If these nifty XP terrain types remain untouched. See, in the [Database > Tilesets] you can set your Tiles some 'Terrain Tags'. Most vehicle/transport systems out there use these to determine wether a vehicle can, or cannot, cross the terrain. We can use the same for jumping, and without scripts. Check your custom scripts (if being used) to find an unused value (likely all of them, if you're not using a custom script). Set it to all 'unjumpable' tiles, such as walls. Add these listed below to the wizard576's system.
Just set two variables (say, variable Player X and Player Y) with Player current coordinates. Now, depending on player direction (common event 'jump system' in wizard576's tutorial) change the respective X or Y axis variables (use the same values you're using for 'Jump', in this case, +0,-2 for up, +2,+0 for right, +0,+2 for down, and -2,+0 for left, being X horizon and Y vertical) to match the Player's route*.
*In this sense, if the Player is moving more than one 'square' Tile, we'll need to change the two variables more than once, to replicate it's move route (use the smaller value first). If this is the case, run the check below with all different values.
Next, use 'Set Event Location' to set 'This Event' to a variable-appointed position defined by the two previously set X and Y variables (common Events pop up everywhere, so nevermind that you can't select a map ID). Now set another 'Control Variables', for any unused variable, and set it 'Character: This Event' and it's 'Terrain Tag'... Starting to make sense?
Lastly, run a 'Conditional Branch' with possible exception to determine if the Terrain Tag (the variable we just set) matches an 'unjumpable' Tag (whose value we set at the start). Run it as 'Equal to ['unjumpable Terrain Tag']', and to Exit Event processing if it's a match. If ELSE, then do execute the 'Jump' movement.
The rather simple (but extensive) procedure above MUST be run BEFORE the Jump actually happens. Also, it's rather rough. You can add sounds and effects for eye-candy or extra features under the same principles.
We're basically trying to run a check of the space covered by 'Jump' to see if it is actually passable to prevent 'jumping through walls', in case you're wondering
And if there was any part far too messed up to comprehend, do private-message me