Hi, I'm vgvgf. I am new to this site, this is my first post. However I am not new to the RM world. I have been working with RPG Makers since RM2K, then with RM2K3 and today with RMXP. I still don't like much RMVX, for making a change.
Maybe some of you already know me from other sites, my scripts, or my crazy projects, but maybe lot of you not. So here is some info about me:
I am from Argentina, with more precision form Córdoba. I speak Spanish, English and German, but also Ruby, C/C++ and VB. I have made some scripts for RMXP/VX, by the name of "Aleworks"(My real name is Alejandro, the spanish equivalent to Alexander), and more recently "AWorks". And finaly, my email and msn is vgvgvgf@gmail.com.